agemagician / ProtTrans

ProtTrans is providing state of the art pretrained language models for proteins. ProtTrans was trained on thousands of GPUs from Summit and hundreds of Google TPUs using Transformers Models.
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What was the pretraining split for the ProtT5-UniRef50 model? #151

Open speydril opened 2 weeks ago

speydril commented 2 weeks ago

do you by any chance still have the dataset split (train/val/test set) that was used to pretrain ProtT5 UniRef50? I am trying to investigate data leakage for down stream tasks.

mheinzinger commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, no, unfortunately, we do not have datasplits for this anymore as we considered the downstream prediction performance the acid test. Looking back, this was obviously a mistake. In order to still move forward on your end, you could take a time-cut-off of UniRef, i.e., extracting all sequences published after ProtT5 training, and redundancy reduce the newly added sequences against our training set (which will be a pain, sorry, as we also trained on BFD ... ).