agens-no / EllipticCurveKeyPair

Sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt using the Secure Enclave
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Support application password #22

Open ma-pe opened 6 years ago

ma-pe commented 6 years ago

Hey, it's me again :-)

Still happily using the master-branch. Lately, I wanted to try the application password method for devices that haven't set fingerprint or passcode.

I added the flag .applicationPassword resulting in: flags: EllipticCurveKeyPair.Device.hasSecureEnclave ? [.applicationPassword, .privateKeyUsage] : [.applicationPassword].

My understanding is, that I'd have to provide the actual password to the LAContext before key creation. Something like this: context.setCredential("passwordFromServer".data(using:String.Encoding.utf8)!, type: LACredentialType.applicationPassword)

Though, I don't pass the LAContext to key creation. Regarding your API I can only provide it when decrypting or signing.

hfossli commented 6 years ago

Interesting. I didn’t know you could pass a password. I thought it had to be done by the user first time upon key creation. If the api is limiting you I am open to change that. Let me know how it goes and please send me diffs :)

ma-pe commented 6 years ago

You can prompt the user to enter a password and use this as the application password. Though, this is not automatically triggered by the key generation.

This is a good example for setting and getting secrets with .applicationPassword:

We don't need this at the moment. I just wanted to check how it works. Once we move forward in our development I check back and try to help, when we decide to use it.

hfossli commented 6 years ago

Thanks for sharing that useful article. I think as you, that changes is required in order to properly support this. I will have to think about this.

What’s needed to consider

netgfx commented 3 years ago

Has this issue seen any progress? It seems like a really useful and popular feature, as Apps like Revolut use that kind of flow as well. Biometric or App password.

If it helps there an implementation here as well

hfossli commented 3 years ago

Yep. It is possible to do this using a custom LAContext and application password flag.

I have been working on a renewed api. You can check it out here. Also has support for React Native.