agens-no / EllipticCurveKeyPair

Sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt using the Secure Enclave
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Corrected mismatch between .256/.384 cases and returned algorithm values #29

Closed dschuetz closed 6 years ago

dschuetz commented 6 years ago

The .sha256 case had returned the algorithm for SHA384AESGCM, while .sha384 returned SHA256. Switched them back.

ma-pe commented 6 years ago

Just wanted to point out, that this is a breaking change. Just stumbled upon (since I linked master instead of a release or unique commit).

hfossli commented 6 years ago

Correct. This library should have proper versioning. Are you using this library for encryption and decryption?

ma-pe commented 6 years ago

Yes, I do. Meaning that decryption stopped working after upgrading my pods.

hfossli commented 6 years ago

Cool. Interesting to know how people use this library. Are you doing encryption serverside and decryption client side or are you both decrypting and encrypting client side?

ma-pe commented 6 years ago

Both client side. I use it to securely save a local database encryption key.

The key is generated on the device, encrypted via your library (backed up by fingerprint / pincode) and stored within the app. On database decryption I decrypt the key with your library (prompting the fingerprint / pincode).

hfossli commented 6 years ago

Nice. That's awesome.

I am sorry for the inconvenience it may have caused you that I promptly just changed the default values of those enum cases on master. What would have been the proper way to fix a typo like this?

ma-pe commented 6 years ago

I don't think that you did something wrong. My comment was more: "Hey just bear in mind that this will be breaking, when releasing the next version" (though the next version will already be a 2.0 - so I guess it's just fine).

My personal issue was, that I linked the master (which of course I can't be sure of to be stable). I use the master since I need changes of one pull requests (, that isn't in a version yet.

But now I switched from linking master to link a certain commit in my Podfile. This should fix things for me in the future :)

hfossli commented 6 years ago

Yes, thanks!

I think of the following tools to changes like this could be used

ma-pe commented 6 years ago

sounds good!