agens-no / EllipticCurveKeyPair

Sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt using the Secure Enclave
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deinitialize() and deallocate() causing Compiler Error in SHA256.swift #42

Open SerialForBreakfast opened 5 years ago

SerialForBreakfast commented 5 years ago

Installed via cocoapods and got these errors when building:

'deinitialize()' is unavailable: the default argument to deinitialize(count:) has been removed, please specify the count explicitly 'deallocate(capacity:)' is unavailable: Swift currently only supports freeing entire heap blocks, use deallocate() instead

'deinitialize()' was obsoleted in Swift 5.0 'deallocate(capacity:)' was obsoleted in Swift 5.0

SerialForBreakfast commented 5 years ago

Works fine when using Swift 4.2 in the Build Settings.

hfossli commented 5 years ago

Yes, that's right. Fixed in master. If you point directly to commit or branch it works in swift 5

hfossli commented 5 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to report this. Keeping it open since I forgot to publish new release

barrcodes commented 5 years ago

Still no release, it's been a month

hfossli commented 5 years ago

I am so sorry. The past months have been crazy hectic both on a personal level and professional level. I am triaging every day in order to keep most important things floating. If someone wants push access to fix what's needed I'll be happy to give. Otherwise I will come back to this issue asap (hopefully this week). Thanks for being patient. 🙌

fmessina commented 4 years ago

Hey @hfossli, first of all thanks for this library! Any hope to have the Swift5 fix released? 🙏🏼