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[Next] send response after custom form validation (including solution) #797

Closed raffaelj closed 6 years ago

raffaelj commented 6 years ago

Today I discovered, how to add custom form validation and I missed a response for invalid inputs. So I wrote some code to add a response with error messages here.

If this pull request will be merged, you can use it this way:

simple content of contact.php:


  $error["name"] = "required";

  return $error;

Response in Postman

after sending {"form":{"name":"","message":"blabliblub"}}:

    "error": {
        "name": "required"
    "data": {
        "name": "",
        "message": "blabliblub"

a more complicated example (maybe I'll write an addon soon, but maybe not...):

send json via Postman: {"form":{"name":"Raffael","message":"blabliblub", "confirm":"1","mail":"+49 1234 56789012"}}


    "error": {
        "honeypot": "Hello spambot",
        "telephone": [
            "is required"
        "mail": [
            "must be of type email",
            "must not be of type phone"
    "data": {
        "name": "Raffael",
        "message": "blabliblub",
        "confirm": "1",
        "mail": "+49 1234 56789012"

content of contact.php:


// form validation for spam protection

namespace validate_form;

// configuration

$honeypot = [
  "fieldname" => "confirm"
 ,"expected_value" => "0"
 ,"response" => true

$required_fields = [

$field_is = [
  "telephone" => ["phone"]
 ,"mail" => ["email"]
 ,"site_url" => ["url"]

$field_is_not = [
  "telephone" => ["email", "url"]
 ,"mail" => ["phone", "url"]
 ,"site_url" => ["email","phone"]

// $contains_not = [
  // ...
// ];

$validation_options = [
  "honeypot" => $honeypot
 ,"required" => $required_fields
 ,"field_is" => $field_is
 ,"field_is_not" => $field_is_not
 // ,"contains_not" => "..."

class validate_form{

// requires: PECL intl extension (for punycode conversion of urls and mail adresses)

  public $error = false;
  private $options = [];
  private $data = [];
  private $exit = false;

  function __construct($data, $options){

    $this->options = $options;
    $this->data = $data;



  function validate(){

    foreach( $this->options as $key=>$val ){
      if( method_exists($this, $key) )
        $this->error["method"][$key] = "does not exist";


  function response(){

      return false;

      return $this->error;

    return true;

  function honeypot($opt){

    if( $this->data[$opt["fieldname"]] && $this->data[$opt["fieldname"]] != $opt["expected_value"] ){
      $this->error["honeypot"] = "Hello spambot";

      // optional: send 404 to spambots
        $this->exit = true;


  function required($opt){

    foreach($opt as $val){
      if( !isset($this->data[$val]) or empty($this->data[$val]) )
        $this->error[$val][] = "is required";


  function field_is($opt, $inverse = false){

    foreach($opt as $field => $methods){

      foreach($methods as $method){

        $m = "is_$method";

        if( method_exists($this, $m) ){

          if( !empty($this->data[$field]) ){

            $res = $this->$m($field);

            // $this->error["res"][] = $res; // --> for debugging

            if(!$res && !$inverse)
              $this->error[$field][] = "must be of type $method";
            if($res && $inverse)
              $this->error[$field][] = "must not be of type $method";


          $this->error["method"][$m] = "does not exist";




  function field_is_not($opt){

    $this->field_is($opt, true);


  function is_phone($field){

    // allow sloppy input with +,-,(),whitspace but no chars
    return !preg_match('~[^-\s\d./()+]~', $this->data[$field]);


  function is_email($field){

    return filter_var(idn_to_ascii($this->data[$field]), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);


  function is_url($field){

    return filter_var(idn_to_ascii($this->data[$field]), FILTER_VALIDATE_URL);


  // some more possible validations...

  // check if input contains code

  // check if input contains url(s)

  // bool, number, ascii, ...


$validation = new validate_form($data, $validation_options);
return $validation->response();
raffaelj commented 6 years ago

Well, it worked, but it wasn't good. I wrote a form builder/validator addon and close this issue.