agentzh / makefile-graphviz-pm

Perl CPAN module Makefile::GraphViz - Draw building flowcharts from Makefiles using GraphViz
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Lot of irrevelant Graphviz Object on `plot_all` #2

Open edouard-lopez opened 10 years ago

edouard-lopez commented 10 years ago

Hi, I recently discover your package and after some tests I can get the reason why I got so many false-responses objects when plotting with the plot_all method compare to the plot() method.

plot() method

subtlex makefile all

plot_all method

subtlex makefile mk2gv-default

Perl Script

The complete Perl script is also available as a gist. Here is the core of it:

# plot the tree rooted at the 'install' goal in Makefile:
$gv = $parser->plot($target, 
    virtual_node_style => {
       shape => 'box',
       style => 'filled',
       fillcolor => 'blue',
    trim_mode => 1
);  # A GraphViz object returned.

# plot the forest consists of all the goals in Makefile:
$gv = $parser->plot_all(); # no option support


The parsed makefile is available as a gist.


Any suggestion on what is causing all this object to appear at the top of the graph ?

agentzh commented 10 years ago

@edouard-lopez I'm sorry I don't have the time to investigate issues in this Perl module. But I'm very willing to accept your patches and test cases for any issues :) Thank you!