Open JeanDown123 opened 8 years ago
I have installed autosub as described above, but I get the following error message:
E:\Completed>C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\scripts\ --list-la
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\scripts\", line 17, in <module>
from autosub.constants import LANGUAGE_CODES, \
File "C:\Python27\Scripts\", line 17, in <module>
ImportError: No module named constants
I can find the file under C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\autosub\
Try cmd
pip uninstall autosub
What is your message? output?
install autosub
What is your message? output?
---------Message Normal install-------
Collecting autosub
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pysrt>=1.0.1 in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from autosub)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): requests>=2.3.0 in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from autosub)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): google-api-python-client>=1.4.2 in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from autosub)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): progressbar>=2.3 in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from autosub)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): chardet in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from pysrt>=1.0.1->autosub)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): uritemplate<1,>=0.6 in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from google-api-python-client>=1.4.2->autosub)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): httplib2<1,>=0.8 in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from google-api-python-client>=1.4.2->autosub)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): six<2,>=1.6.1 in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from google-api-python-client>=1.4.2->autosub)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): oauth2client in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from google-api-python-client>=1.4.2->autosub)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): simplejson>=2.5.0 in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from uritemplate<1,>=0.6->google-api-python-client>=1.4.2->autosub)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pyasn1>=0.1.7 in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from oauth2client->google-api-python-client>=1.4.2->autosub)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pyasn1-modules>=0.0.5 in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from oauth2client->google-api-python-client>=1.4.2->autosub)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): rsa>=3.1.4 in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from oauth2client->google-api-python-client>=1.4.2->autosub)
Installing collected packages: autosub
Successfully installed autosub-0.3.9
---------Message Normal uninstall-------
Uninstalling autosub-0.3.9:
Proceed (y/n)? y
Successfully uninstalled autosub-0.3.9
The message output were the same as you put above, but something must have changed, because it started working after I uninstalled and then installed it again.
Hi, there! I stuck on the generating step. The --list-language operation works right, I can see there are lots of choices. But it seems no matter where I put the test.mp4, autosub will not be able to find it, or maybe I've got wrong elsewhere. Would you please help me with this? The error message is down below.
C:\Python27>python.exe C:\Python27\scripts\ -S en -D en test.mp4
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\scripts\", line 284, in <module>
File "C:\Python27\scripts\", line 210, in main
audio_filename, audio_rate = extract_audio(args.source_path)
File "C:\Python27\scripts\", line 120, in extract_audio
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 566, in check_output
process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 710, in __init__
errread, errwrite)
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 958, in _execute_child
WindowsError: [Error 2]
Try with path in video C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\scripts\ -S es -D es "c:\mypathdownload\test.mp4"
Thx, JeanDown123! I move the ffmpeg.exe to C:\Python and it worked, it's true that the path caused the problem.
I installed everything like you said, but - at first - I couldn't find where any output went to. Later I did the script in a cmd window and then it said that I needed to provide the Google API key.. Any idea what I might have done wrong?
Hansdevr: "(optionally) translates them to a different language,", Need API KEY(Price).link Free only transcriptions (For Time Limited) not Translates. Use Languaje spoken = Language Desired Example -S es -D es For Spanish -S ja -D ja For Japanese For Translate your Subtitles use other programs, example Subtitle Edit.
Okay, so french to french, dutch to dutch etcetera.. Right? I'll try that!
It worked! But.. I lost a lot of sentences in the translation. It seems like AutoSub has trouble "hearing" some parts. (Damn, these French speak quik..) Would it help to 'normalize" audio (bring it to a higher and more equal level) before translating it?
A "audio clean" help. Other option, modify code:
For length chunk or segment frame_width=4096 (2000 - 12000)
threshold = percentile(energies, 0.2) 0.2 - 0.7 (for lever noise)
Try "frame_width = 8000"
Thanks Jean, much appreciated! :) I'll let you know what worked best,
Well, to be honest, it didn't make much of a difference.. :( Next, I'm going to try to do normalizing with a copy of the audio track, along with some eq-ing of the highs (low bitrate mp3 audio needs some sooping up...)
Thank you for you work! But after completing speech recognition and the .srt file generated, there is no any text in the .srt file, so sad about it. I checked it once then I corrected the language options, but still nothing.(using a video in Chinese) Then I change a video source which's speech is in English, still nothing. Looks like I have to generate the subtitles manually, still. Just some feed back, thanks!
What is the duration of the videos you tried? which was the duration of the process? Which gave the console messages? Check the audio files (flac) that are in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Temp*.flac, these are the files that are sent to the translator,.
@JeanDown123 I'm having the same problem and i checked *.flac files they were all 0KB files. Any solution. Thanks In Advance!
Try: Attach File Subtitles Generated By Autosub. Time Process: 01:15 - about a minute President Obama Addresses the Nation on the BP Oil Spill (inglés)
After setting up the path to ffmpeg and after testing if ffmpeg is working or not and it did worked, i keep getting this error message: (knowin that i've a file called px.mp4 in the directory)
px.mp4: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\scripts\", line 284, in <module>
File "C:\Python27\scripts\", line 210, in main
audio_filename, audio_rate = extract_audio(args.source_path)
File "C:\Python27\scripts\", line 120, in extract_audio
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 574, in check_output
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', 'px.mp4', '-ac', '1', '-ar', '16000', '-loglevel', 'error', 'c:\\users\\otto\\appdata\\local\\temp\\tmpuj0j75.wav']' returned non-zero exit status 1
I think the trick is the last two lines, maybe.
Help appreciated, thanks!
MrNobdy , think path file px.mp4. C:\Python27\scripts\ -S en -D en "c:\mydownloads\px.mp4"
Greetings. In trying to translate a video (Japanese) I get this error.
programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable. "stty" no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo, programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable. "stty" no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo,####### | ETA: 0:00:00 programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable. Converting speech regions to FLAC files: 100% |#################| Time: 0:00:11 Performing speech recognition: 100% |###########################| Time: 0:05:10 Error: Subtitle translation requires specified Google Translate API key. See --help for further information.
Please help me
I had try video
Converting speech regions to FLAC files: 100% Time 00:00:12 Performing speech recognition: 100% Time 00:00:00
Flac files is okay (not null size), but .sqr file size is 0 kb :( Please, help!
Found via debugger that script need connection internet. Now it's work! :)
Okay so i copied ffmpeg.exe to C:\python27
but cmd is telling it cant find it.
C:\Users\"NAME">C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\scripts\autosub_app.p
y -S en -D en c:\1.ZBrush_Introduction.mkv
ffmpeg: Executable not found on machine.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\scripts\", line 304, in
Mistursmiley, I had the same issue - you can make the script work directly with the .wav file (convert it yourself with ffmpeg or something else) and then patch the python script so that it uses the wav file directly. To do this, make the extract_audio function look like this:
def extract_audio(filename, channels=1, rate=16000): return filename, rate
Make sure to adjust the sample rate accordingly (I had a 44100 sample rate) and that it has only one channel (mono). Good luck, it did some pretty decent work for me in french.
how to make it work auto in a forder?I mean make sub for all file in a folder
@huyanh10tin you could modify the script so it would make a loop with all the files in the folder, or you could make a batch file wich would pass the files to the app one by one (imho it is not a good idea to process all the files at once since the google speech recognition api will probably block your access)
@dezea sorry,but i dont know python language,please help me,or you could change it for me,thank
To Install Python: Check "Add Python.exe to Path"? Or ADD Path (Directory) of File ffmpeg.exe.
@dezea autosub couldn't find ffmpeg for me either despite being in the same folder. I tried inserting your change to extract_audio, converting the format of the file to .wav, and setting the sample rates the same. However the following error keeps coming up.
Traceback (most recent call last):files: 0% | | ETA: --:--:--
File "C:\Python27\scripts\", line 295, in <module>
File "C:\Python27\scripts\", line 235, in main
for i, extracted_region in enumerate(pool.imap(converter, regions)):
File "C:\Python27\lib\multiprocessing\", line 668, in next
raise value
NameError: global name 'false' is not defined
I also have
raise Exception("Dependency not found: ffmpeg") Exception: Dependency not found: ffmpeg
ffmpeg.exe is in C:\python27 and in my PATH
is there a solution instead of extracting wav file ?
thank you
Thank you so much for this! It will be really useful for me. But I'm having some problems using it...
Can someone help me? Thanks in advance! :)
@lucasgabriel-m: Don't know if I've mentioned that:
Btw I've managed to rewrite this script in php with some extra features supported by the google api like speech context which is really nice because it improoves recognition quite a lot and added ability to tweak the threshold and phrase lenghts.
@stringtheory178 That looks like a bad edit, try using an editor which has Python syntax checking to spot any issues (also check the lines of the error codes)
@dezea I'm pretty sure I just copied the line you posted. Maybe it's because my .wav file was stereo not mono. You mentioned a PHP version, any chance you could upload it?
@dezea Thanks for your answer. I'm kind a newbie in this, so I need a little help...
def extract_audio(filename, channels=1, rate=44100): return filename, rate
I had some problem with script finding ffmpeg.exe
. It was present in c:\python27
but the script just kept on raising error which said it had not found the ffmpeg.exe
. So I modified extract_audio
function on line 135 throuth 145 in
like this:
def extract_audio(filename, channels=1, rate=16000):
temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav', delete=False)
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
print "The given file does not exist: {0}".format(filename)
raise Exception("Invalid filepath: {0}".format(filename))
#if not which("ffmpeg"):
# print "ffmpeg: Executable not found on machine."
# raise Exception("Dependency not found: ffmpeg")
command = ["ffmpeg.exe", "-y", "-i", filename, "-ac", str(channels), "-ar", str(rate), "-loglevel", "error",]
return, rate
The difference?
if not which("ffmpeg"):
print "ffmpeg: Executable not found on machine."
raise Exception("Dependency not found: ffmpeg")
command = ["ffmpeg",...
to command = ["ffmpeg.exe",...
Simply copy the piece of code above and it's over.
@mosynaq Cool, that got me past finding ffmpeg.exe, but I still get this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):files: 0% | | ETA: --:--:-- File "C:\Python27\scripts\", line 295, in <module> sys.exit(main()) File "C:\Python27\scripts\", line 235, in main for i, extracted_region in enumerate(pool.imap(converter, regions)): File "C:\Python27\lib\multiprocessing\", line 668, in next raise value NameError: global name 'false' is not defined
Something seems to be wrong with the progress bar. what would be an easy way to just not show the progress bar or alternatively just show the percentage?
Sorry to bother... But I'm too stupid that I am stuck in the step"Auto-generating subtitles for any video file"... I really don't know what to do next... Hope anyone can help me, thanks. XD
@jxyddtc You just put the video you want translated in the python27 folder, copy paste the appropriate language command and change 'youvideo.mp4' to whatever the file name is. If everything is setup right you should get a subtitle file.
To solve that "Exception: Dependency not found: ffmpeg", I explicitly specified the full path of my ffmpeg file like in this example:
command = ["C:\\foo\\bar\\ffmpeg.exe", "-y", "-i", filename, "-ac", str(channels), "-ar", str(rate), "-loglevel", "error",]
and I commented the three previous lines like that:
#if not which("ffmpeg"):
# print "ffmpeg: Executable not found on machine."
# raise Exception("Dependency not found: ffmpeg")
And it worked. My solution was very similar to the Mosynaq fix. Believe me it is really a quick fix that works.
I got this error and i have tried with flac files avi files mp4 files. I use Windows Vista.
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002] Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. Med ensamrätt.
C:>C:\Python27\scripts\ J:\1.avi -o J:\ -F srt
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\scripts\", line 284, in
I solved it by downloading a newer autosub version against the one on githubs site: autosub-0.3.9.tar.gz
C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install
And it worked better when i not done this step: Modify with notepad.exe or Notepad++(Edit Text) 4.1 In line 48 add ", delete=False" temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.flac') by temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.flac', delete=False)
Then i got another error that i saw more people had got: ("Dependency not found: ffmpeg") But i found a solution here in the comments by editing
def extract_audio(filename, channels=1, rate=16000): temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav', delete=False) if not os.path.isfile(filename): print "The given file does not exist: {0}".format(filename) raise Exception("Invalid filepath: {0}".format(filename)) if not which("ffmpeg"): print "ffmpeg: Executable not found on machine." raise Exception("Dependency not found: ffmpeg") command = ["ffmpeg", "-y", "-i", filename, "-ac", str(channels), "-ar", str(rate), "-loglevel", "error",] subprocess.check_output(command) return, rate
But now i got this error when the converting only reach 0%:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002] Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. Med ensamrätt.
C:>C:\Python27\scripts\ J:\1.avi -o J:\ -F srt c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpe1vjvu.flac: Permission denied: --:--:-- c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpdpjhir.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpenhi7r.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpvvzpgn.flac: Permission denied Exception in thread Thread-3: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 754, in run*self.args, **self.kwargs) File "C:\Python27\lib\multiprocessing\", line 389, in _handle_results task = get() TypeError: ('init__() takes at least 3 arguments (1 given)', <class 'subproces s.CalledProcessError'>, ())
c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpx7kqfd.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpc2yges.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpg5_g4t.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmp1e6_io.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpkyrghx.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmprllohy.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpuwiaj2.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpstmkrp.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpmf2qqh.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpteumpg.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmp_q2dym.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmp_fzb4s.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpscilrs.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpcs_nf.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpzbno8f.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpzrblnr.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpirq0gm.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmplplrwn.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpv7afku.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpokrsc.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmprbs3dv.flac: Permission deniedc:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpxevr_u.flac: Permission deniedc:\users\Vista\appdata\ local\temp\tmpnm5wiq.flac: Permission denied
c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpjof1ac.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpct1bpa.flac: Permission deniedc:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpbcxlur.flac: Permission deniedc:\users\Vista\appdata\ local\temp\tmpovs1jl.flac: Permission deniedc:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\t mpliuwsn.flac: Permission denied
c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpcab4de.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmphttq3h.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmp8e0sv2.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmp7f9ogb.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpws_s1w.flac: Permission denied c:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpqrw7bn.flac: Permission deniedc:\users\Vista\appdata\local\temp\tmpu_nmh0.flac: Permission deniedc:\users\Vista\appdata\ local\temp\tmps8zvz5.flac: Permission denied
How to convert online videos.
PS C:\Users\alan> C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\scripts\ -S en -D en YouVideo.mp4
The given file does not exist: YouVideo.mp4
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\scripts\", line 305, in
Have you tried? Replace J:\1. by the folderlocation of your file and the filename and ending etc avi, mp4.
C:\Python27\scripts\ J:\1.avi -o J:\ -F srt
C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\scripts\ -S en -D en YouVideo.mp4
My file name is MP4, President Obama Addresses the Nation, and I rename to "YouVideo.mp4" The Python progamme it's in C:\ !
Sorry try: C:\Python27\scripts\ C:\Python27\YouVideo.mp4 -o C:\Python27\ -F srt
Au caractère Ligne:1 : 4
C:\Python27\scripts\ C:\Python27\YouVideo.mp4 -o C:\Python27\ -F srt not working too...
any one can make a pach.exe ?
Requeriments Windows 32 or 64 bits. Connection Internet. Links Downloads Python FFMPEG AutoInstall autosub_app SampleVideos Spanish - Subtitle Editor Aegisub For Version autosub 0.3.9 Note: Uninstall Python 3.x Tutorial Video Youtube
Install Python 2.7 (32 bits) ## Note: Check Add Python.exe to Path
Run cmd (Win+R)
C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install autosub
OrC:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install
or (Download Last version autosub\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install "c:\youdownloaded\autosub-0.3.9.tar.gz"
Message Output Normal
Change Name File "autosub" to ""
Rename C:\Python27\Scripts\autosub
Modify with notepad.exe or Notepad++(Edit Text) 4.1 In line 48 add ", delete=False"
temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.flac')
bytemp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.flac', delete=False)
4.2 Eliminate line 53os.system('stty sane')
. (Optional) UPDATE For last Version Autosub (23 May 2017) In Windows xp,7,8,10 With Program Notepad change lines : Line 127 change exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) exe_file = os.path.join(path, program + ".exe") Line 47 change temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.flac') temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.flac', delete=False)Download( and
Copy ffmpeg.exe to C:\Python27\
Restart Windows
Test Script
C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\scripts\ --list-languages
SampleVideos Spanish - autosub_app
Auto-generating subtitles for any video file
C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\scripts\ -S es -D es TuVideo.mp4
EnglishC:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\scripts\ -S en -D en YouVideo.mp4
JapaneseC:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\scripts\ -S ja -D ja YouAnimeVideo.mp4
Optional Compile script Python(Exe Executable)
C:\Python27\python.exe -m compileall C:\Python27\scripts\
RunC:\Python27\scripts\autosub_app.pyc YouVideo.mp4
(English Default) Upgrade Pippython -m pip install --upgrade pip
One-Click EASY with SENDTO. Create batch by language (JA) _AutoSubJap.bat and copy to directory SendTo "shell:sendto" "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo" AutoSub_Jap.bat
C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\Scripts\ -C 2 -S ja -D ja %1 7.- Translate your Subtitles Download Subtitle Edit Or VersionPortable
Link Video Youtube Test
Auto-Generated by Youtube President Obama Addresses the Nation on the BP Oil Spill (inglés) Generated by Script AutoSub President Obama Addresses the Nation on the BP Oil Spill (inglés) Time Process: 01:15 Abot Minute Times are best generated by AUTOSUB.
Errors Commons in Windows
-Error install pip
"python egg_info"
Solution Install Python 2.7 uninstall 3.x"WindowsError [Error 2]"
Solution. Copy ffmpeg.exe to C:\Python27\ or Or ADD Path (Directory) File ffmpeg. Examples: c:\ffmpeg\ , c:\Program Files\ffmpeg, c:\Mydownloads\ Link Help Add Path(Directory)
Error infinite loop
Solution Change name script C:\Python27\Scripts\autosub
Error Permission denied Files Flac c:...local\temp\tmpksjd.flac Permission denied Solution: Modify Script, close file. Link
----------------------Before - Original-------------------------
----------------------After - Modified Option 1 ------------------------
----------------------after - Modified Option 2 ------------------------
Message Normal Output Pip install autosub
For Version autosub 0.3.9 File For Windows Modified. Rename to, and copy
C:\Python27\Scripts SampleVideos Spanish - autosub_app