agermanidis / autosub

[NO LONGER MAINTAINED] Command-line utility for auto-generating subtitles for any video file
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Tips to improve translation. #40

Open JeanDown123 opened 8 years ago

JeanDown123 commented 8 years ago

Tips to improve translation.

For Video YouTube: ¡Bienvenidos a Extraordinerd!

Audio extraordinarid Result Run Script Autosub

Results: Very BAD

bad translation

Methods Improve Translation..

Method 1 : Trim/Crop

Crop video, 10 seconds Audio. extraordinarid_trim


Speech: Medium Timing: Good extraordinarid 10 seconds

Method 2 Silence noise

Silence Audio (Noise,music, etc.) extraoird_silencioaudiotext Observations: The best method, but it requires a long time to identify the sounds, voices, ambient noise.

Results: Very good


Method 3 Use Filters

Use Filters of FFmpeg, loudnorm or dynaudnorm ffmpeg -i myvideo.mp4 -af loudnorm=i=-5 myvideoFilter.wav extraoird_loudnormminus5text

Results: Very good


Observations: It requires a special compilation of ffmpeg, but can be downloaded from here.

Method 4 Change threshold

Modify the script, and Zero the value of threshold=0 extraordinarid_subtitlezerothreshold

Observations:this case, it worked like that with the filter, but it is not always so. LOST TOTAL TIMING.


Note 1 : For speed, the audio must be converted to mono and frequency to 16000 Note 2 : For methods 2 to 4, the script could not identify the silences, so cutting it done automatically at 6.1 seconds (min_region_size = 0.5, max_region_size = 6)

agermanidis commented 7 years ago

Thanks for doing all this work, @JeanDown123. I'll try to incorporate the filtering to autosub shortly.

stevenj commented 6 years ago

I too am playing with filters and your program. I notice that in the extract_audio function the audio is down mixed to mono. I found that by applying the filter to help eliminate phase errors before the down mix, the resulting audio was higher quality and resulted in more text being converted from the file. See:

A small problem with this filter, is sometimes (for some reason i can't work out) that filter causes ffmpeg to crash, in which case I just fall back to a straight conversion to mono with no phase correction.

Also, filtering ambient noise using the tips from:

Improved word recognition. More words in my samples were recognised, and the translations made more sense, generally.

Finally I then used the tool: ffmpeg-normalize to do an automatic normalisation, as in Method 3 above.

Using all three methods in this order resulted in a significant increase in detected words, and translation accuracy.

GunGunGun commented 6 years ago

@stevenj Hi Steven, can you please share some of your configs ? Thanks!

stevenj commented 6 years ago

@GunGunGun Here is the script I am currently using to automatically filter the audio and then generate the subtitles. If you come up with any improvements, let me know.

You will also need this tool:

Wolfenk commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the tips @JeanDown123

Thank you too @stevenj ! Is it possible to share your script again? The link don't work 😞

BingLingGroup commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the tips @JeanDown123

Thank you too @stevenj ! Is it possible to share your script again? The link don't work 😞

@Wineliva I found the script here. Perhaps it's what you need.

stevenj commented 5 years ago

@Wineliva Yes the link shared by @BingLingGroup is the one i use.

BingLingGroup commented 5 years ago

@Wineliva @stevenj

I just write the pre-process script into the autosub codes. Now you can pre-process the audio directly from my version of autosub.

Default pre-process commands need ffmpeg-normalize. Of course you can write it youself by using the -ap input options. But remember to set pre-processing output format to 44.kHz/24bit/mono flac. Currently I don't write the logic to judge the format. It will be used directly by speech-to-text method. And when that method cut the clips, it use copy arg so it is very risky when your format isn't proper.

You can install it from my repo by using pip. Or wait for me to release. I write pretty some features now. I think I will release it in a few more days.

BingLingGroup commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the tips @JeanDown123

Thank you too @stevenj ! Is it possible to share your script again? The link don't work 😞

Finally, I release a standalone version. You can check it here.