agg23 / Sila

MIT License
14 stars 6 forks source link

Use shared scheme for application target #12

Closed n8chur closed 8 months ago

n8chur commented 8 months ago



These changes making working with the repo as a contributor a bit easier.

The Sila.xcscheme is currently defined in adam.xcuserdatad and adding it to the shared schemes list makes it accessible for other users.

Git ignoring xcuserdata/ means that when another contributor opens the project it will not create a diff which includes user-specific project settings. Adding this to a the .gitignore for a repo that contains an Xcode project is typical (see GitHub/gitignore/Swift.gitignore).

agg23 commented 8 months ago

Thanks. I've been out of the Apple dev world for quite a while, so I'm not up to date with current best practices.