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Fetching raspberrypi-firmware git requires lots of gigabytes #1299

Closed jdapena closed 3 months ago

jdapena commented 3 months ago


do_fetch stage of rpi-bootfiles takes ages because of the huge size of the repository, even when using BB_GIT_SHALLOW. Here, at 37% of the fetch, it already had to download more than 14 GB.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Using and building with KAS_MACHINE=raspberrypi4-64 kas build kas:chromium.yml:kas:commercial.yml

Describe the results you received:

Fetching fails and/or takes ages while downloading raspberrypi-firmware repository.

Describe the results you expected:

Fetching should be faster, and not fetch the whole repository. Ideally by fetching tagged tarballs as needed. An intermediate solution could be fetching the generated zip from github. I.e. (but that tarball is AFAIK generated at navigation. Tagged versions are usually pregenerated.

Additional information you deem important (e.g. issue happens only occasionally):

Additional details (revisions used, host distro, etc.):

Host: Ubuntu. Local bandwitdh: around 10-15 MB per second fetching from github.

kraj commented 3 months ago should fix it

jdapena commented 3 months ago

1298 should fix it

Yes, it looks like that should fix it. I will close this one when landed.

agherzan commented 3 months ago

The fix should be merged. Thanks, @kraj!