agherzan / yubikey-full-disk-encryption

Use YubiKey to unlock a LUKS partition
Apache License 2.0
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usage of ykfde to encrypt a standalone partition #59

Closed ng0177 closed 4 years ago

ng0177 commented 4 years ago

I followed these simple steps below under Arch/Manjaro but ykfde-enroll fails and asks the question about an old LUKS passphrase that has never been set or required:

"Please provide the old LUKS passphrase for the existing keyslot."

Any ideas? Thanks!

#create an empty partition using "Disks" w/o filesystem.

sudo pacman -Syu yubikey-full-disk-encryption

$sudo nano /etc/ykfde

$sudo ykfde-format --cipher aes-xts-plain64 --key-size 512 --hash sha512 /dev/<device>
WARNING: This script will run 'cryptsetup luksFormat --cipher aes-xts-plain64 --key-size 512 --hash sha512 /dev/<device>'.  If this is not what you intended, please abort.
   Remember to touch the device if necessary.
   New LUKS device successfully formatted

$sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/<device>
LUKS header information for /dev/<device>
Version:        1
Cipher name:    aes
Cipher mode:    xts-plain64
Hash spec:      sha512
Payload offset: 4096
Key Slot 0: ENABLED
Key Slot 1: DISABLED
Key Slot 2: DISABLED
Key Slot 3: DISABLED
Key Slot 4: DISABLED
Key Slot 5: DISABLED
Key Slot 6: DISABLED
Key Slot 7: DISABLED

$sudo ykfde-enroll -d /dev/<device> -s 2
INFO: Setting device to '/dev/<device>'.
INFO: Setting LUKS keyslot to '2'.
 > YubiKey slot status 'ykinfo -q -2': 1
WARNING: This script will utilize LUKS keyslot '2' on device '/dev/<device>'.  If this is not what you intended, please abort.
   Running: 'ykchalresp -2 something'...
   Remember to touch the device if necessary.
   Received response: '1121389712098712340987019238470987'
Please provide the old LUKS passphrase for the existing keyslot.
 Enter passphrase: 123456
 > Passing '123456' to 'cryptsetup'
 > Adding new LUKS passphrase with 'cryptsetup --key-slot=2 luksAddKey /dev/<device>'...
No key available with this passphrase.
Vincent43 commented 4 years ago

If you formatted device with ykfde-format then you have ykfde password already enrolled, is there a reason you want to add another one with ykfde-enroll?

If you want to add another ykfde password to same device then use -o option like ykfde-enroll -d /dev/<device> -s 2 -o.

ng0177 commented 4 years ago

Yes, I would like to allow access to the backup Yubikey and tried -o now with debug switched on:

$ sudo ykfde-enroll -d /dev/<device> -s 2 -o
INFO: Setting device to '/dev/<device>'.
INFO: Setting LUKS keyslot to '2'.
INFO: Using old YubiKey for passphrase
 > YubiKey slot status 'ykinfo -q -2': 1
WARNING: This script will utilize LUKS keyslot '2' on device '/dev/<device>'.  If this is not what you intended, please abort.
   Running: 'ykchalresp -2 something'...
   Remember to touch the device if necessary.
   Received response: '1d83a7c6df79ee2070b7e4903e83268bdb742e98'
Please insert old YubiKey for existing keyslot.
 > Please provide the old challenge.
   Enter challenge: something
 > Please repeat the old challenge.
   Enter challenge: something
   Running: 'ykchalresp -2 123452345234523453245'...
   Remember to touch the old device if necessary.
   Received response: '000000000001234213423142134'
 > Passing '123452345234523453245' to 'cryptsetup'
 > Adding new LUKS passphrase with 'cryptsetup --key-slot=2 luksAddKey /dev/<device>'...
No key available with this passphrase.
ng0177 commented 4 years ago

Maybe, we have to solve another issue about the main Yubikey first - it seems it cannot open /dev/<device>. I might miss something fundamental. Could you sketch the process steps to encrypt and then use an empty standalone partition for me? Appreciate.

$ ykfde-open -d /dev/<device>
INFO: Setting device to '/dev/<device>'.
 > YubiKey slot status 'ykinfo -q -2': 1
WARNING: This script will try to open the '' LUKS encrypted volume on drive '/dev/<device>' . If this is not what you intended, please abort.
   Running: 'ykchalresp -2 something'...
   Remember to touch the device if necessary.
   Received response: '123413241234'
 > Passing '123413241234' to 'udisksctl'
 > Decrypting with 'udisksctl unlock -b '/dev/<device>''...
spawn udisksctl unlock -b /dev/<device>
Unlocked /dev/<device> as /dev/dm-0.
expected boolean value but got ""
    while executing
"if ("") {
            spawn udisksctl mount -b $unlocked
            expect eof
    invoked from within
"expect -re "Unlocked .* as (.*).\r\n" {
        set unlocked $expect_out(1,string)
        if ("") {
            spawn udisksctl mount -b $unlocked
            expect eof
    (file "/dev/fd/63" line 6)
Vincent43 commented 4 years ago

Are you sure the device isn't accessible? It shows Unlocked /dev/<device> as /dev/dm-0. If you want it to be automatically mounted runykfde-open -d /dev/<device> -m.

You can also try with sudo ykfde-open -d /dev/<device> -n <name>.

ng0177 commented 4 years ago

Thanks. I overlooked it. I now tried -m option but it fails. I am not sure how to use the device name. When I try to mount manually, the type is unkown. Any advice?

$ ykfde-open -d /dev/<device> -m
INFO: Setting device to '/dev/<device>'.
INFO: Mounting device
 > YubiKey slot status 'ykinfo -q -2': 1
WARNING: This script will try to open the '' LUKS encrypted volume on drive '/dev/<device>' . If this is not what you intended, please abort.
   Running: 'ykchalresp -2 something'...
   Remember to touch the device if necessary.
   Received response: '123412341234123421'
 > Passing '123412341234123421' to 'udisksctl'
 > Decrypting with 'udisksctl unlock -b '/dev/<device>''...
spawn udisksctl unlock -b /dev/<device>
Unlocked /dev/<device> as /dev/dm-0.
spawn udisksctl mount -b /dev/dm-0
Object /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/dm_2d0 is not a mountable filesystem.
Vincent43 commented 4 years ago

You can choose <name> freely as you like, foobar or whatever. Did you created any filesystem on device after ykfde-fomat or is it totally empty? You may try:

sudo ykfde-open -d /dev/<device> -n <name>
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/<name>
sudo cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/<name>
ykfde-open -d /dev/<device> -m
ng0177 commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the delay. I succeeded now and put together this guideline for myself. Any comments or approval? Thanks.

How-To encrypt a dedicated partition

#1# create an empty partition i.e. w/o filesystem (click Next) using "Disks" to get a device name

#2# setup
$sudo pacman -Syu yubikey-full-disk-encryption
$sudo nano /etc/ykfde

#3# just once to complete setup
$sudo ykfde-format --cipher aes-xts-plain64 --key-size 512 --hash sha512 /dev/<device>
$sudo ykfde-open -d /dev/<device> -n <name>
$sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/<name>
$sudo cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/<name>

#4# every time after boot; if hangs, then ctrl-c and try again
$ykfde-open -d /dev/<device> -n <name> -m # no sudo!?
$sudo chown $USER:$USER /run/media/$USER/......

#5# not needed if backup Yubikey created by yubikey-personalization-gui following 
$sudo ykfde-enroll -d /dev/<device> -o

#6# optional
$sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/<device>
Vincent43 commented 4 years ago

It looks ok.

The YKFDE_CHALLENGE_SLOT="2" isn't needed as slot 2 is used anyway when this isn't set.

$ykfde-open -d /dev/ -n -m # no sudo!?

ykfde-open can work with and without sudo. with sudo it uses cryptsetup to open device, without sudo it uses udisks. I think it failed for you previously because you didn't setup any filesystem on device which udisks found confusing.

ng0177 commented 4 years ago

Great. Great tool for many purposes. Appreciate all the help and support.