Open dridk opened 7 years ago
Are you using the docker version ?
Yes, ofcourse. It seems my files are empty.. After checking the /mydata/result/log/log_mapping_1001_1.txt
Warning: Could not open read file "/mydata/result/reads//filter_human_0/un-conc-mate.1" for reading; skipping...
Error: No input read files were valid
(ERR): bowtie2-align exited with value 1
root@a9bcd2f0c30f:/mydata/result/log# ls
log_flash_1001.txt log_mapping_1001_1.txt
root@a9bcd2f0c30f:/mydata/result/log# ls
log_flash_1001.txt log_mapping_1001_1.txt
How can see which command is run ? I can try to start it alone to see if it works
Inside the docker: vi /usr/local/bin/masque -> line 726 I'm trying to reproduce the bug.
Does one of your file is empty ? Can you give me the command line that you ran ?
I m going to give you the first fastq pair
Here are the first fastq pairs : I thinks the first step of the pipeline returns me an empty file.
I just run :
masque -i /mydata/ -o /mydata/result/
I just ran the first commands by myself and it works fine. So, I guess the problem comes from masque. it doesn't start the command as expected.
java -jar /usr/local/bin/AlienTrimmer_0.4.0/src/AlienTrimmer.jar -if /mydata/1001_R1.fastq -ir /mydata/1001_R2.fastq -of alien_f.fastq -or alien_r.fastq -os alien_s.fastq -c /usr/local/bin/databases/alienTrimmerPF8contaminants.fasta
Yes, I'm tracking the bug...
The bug comes from bowtie2: /usr/local/bin/bowtie2-2.2.9/bowtie2 -q -N 1 -p 8 -x /usr/local/bin/databases/homo_sapiens.fna -1 1001_R1.fastq -2 1001_R2.fastq -S /dev/null --un-conc test/reads//filter_human_0_test -t --very-fast Time loading reference: 00:00:00 Time loading forward index: 00:00:01 Time loading mirror index: 00:00:01 Error: reads file does not look like a FASTQ file terminate called after throwing an instance of 'int' Aborted (core dumped) (ERR): bowtie2-align exited with value 134
I will look on how to resolve this stuff
The docker is updated but for the moment, the bug is not fixed.
Script launch failed. My data are paired end 16S data ( illumina V3-V5)
After running :