agilbert1412 / StardewArchipelago

Archipelago Implementation for Stardew Valley
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Add Building Warps to Game Locations #45

Closed madolinn closed 6 months ago

madolinn commented 6 months ago

New method IEnumerable GetBuildingWarpPoints

Iterates through list of buildings in the Origin GameLocation, tries to fetch their interiors, and then returns the Point of the "Human Door" that is used in Vanilla.

Adds the check to GetAllWarpPointsTo and GetWarpPointTarget

Fixes: [StardewArchipelago] Could not find closest warp for Farm to FarmHouse, returning a null warpRequest.

Adds support for randomizing any, if not all, "Building" locations.

madolinn commented 6 months ago

Apologies, I kept going back and forth on if I was going to continue with this line of thought, and ended up writing it much the same but.. not.

Now it correctly matches the intended warp destinations. (Edit: It actually didn't as of this commit) Need to find a save or progress enough to finish the Greenhouse, and test moving of both the Farmhouse and the Greenhouse to see if the entrances need a receiving end fix (like MakeFarmhouseToFarmChanges) to place them in the proper locations, or if the warps properly follow when updated.