agilebits / onepassword-app-extension

1Password Extension for iOS Apps
2.58k stars 311 forks source link

1Password #371

Closed ironfangyin closed 7 years ago

ironfangyin commented 7 years ago

// // 1Password Extension // // Lovingly handcrafted by Dave Teare, Michael Fey, Rad Azzouz, and Roustem Karimov. // Copyright (c) 2014 AgileBits. All rights reserved. //

import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

import <MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h>

ifdef __IPHONE_8_0

import <WebKit/WebKit.h>


if __has_feature(nullability)



define nullable

define __nullable

define nonnull

define __nonnull


// Login Dictionary keys - Used to get or set the properties of a 1Password Login

define AppExtensionURLStringKey @"url_string"

define AppExtensionUsernameKey @"username"

define AppExtensionPasswordKey @"password"

define AppExtensionTOTPKey @"totp"

define AppExtensionTitleKey @"login_title"

define AppExtensionNotesKey @"notes"

define AppExtensionSectionTitleKey @"section_title"

define AppExtensionFieldsKey @"fields"

define AppExtensionReturnedFieldsKey @"returned_fields"

define AppExtensionOldPasswordKey @"old_password"

define AppExtensionPasswordGeneratorOptionsKey @"password_generator_options"

// Password Generator options - Used to set the 1Password Password Generator options when saving a new Login or when changing the password for for an existing Login

define AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordMinLengthKey @"password_min_length"

define AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordMaxLengthKey @"password_max_length"

define AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordRequireDigitsKey @"password_require_digits"

define AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordRequireSymbolsKey @"password_require_symbols"

define AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordForbiddenCharactersKey @"password_forbidden_characters"

// Errors codes

define AppExtensionErrorDomain @"OnePasswordExtension"

define AppExtensionErrorCodeCancelledByUser 0

define AppExtensionErrorCodeAPINotAvailable 1

define AppExtensionErrorCodeFailedToContactExtension 2

define AppExtensionErrorCodeFailedToLoadItemProviderData 3

define AppExtensionErrorCodeCollectFieldsScriptFailed 4

define AppExtensionErrorCodeFillFieldsScriptFailed 5

define AppExtensionErrorCodeUnexpectedData 6

define AppExtensionErrorCodeFailedToObtainURLStringFromWebView 7

// Note to creators of libraries or frameworks: // If you include this code within your library, then to prevent potential duplicate symbol // conflicts for adopters of your library, you should rename the OnePasswordExtension class // and associated typedefs. You might to so by adding your own project prefix, e.g., // MyLibraryOnePasswordExtension.

typedef void (^OnePasswordLoginDictionaryCompletionBlock)(NSDictionary __nullable loginDictionary, NSError nullable error); typedef void (^OnePasswordSuccessCompletionBlock)(BOOL success, NSError * nullable error); typedef void (^OnePasswordExtensionItemCompletionBlock)(NSExtensionItem __nullable extensionItem, NSError __nullable error);

@interface OnePasswordExtension : NSObject

/*! @discussion Determines if the 1Password Extension is available. Allows you to only show the 1Password login button to those that can use it. Of course, you could leave the button enabled and educate users about the virtues of strong, unique passwords instead :)

@return isAppExtensionAvailable Returns YES if any app that supports the generic org-appextension-feature-password-management feature is installed on the device. */

ifdef __IPHONE_8_0

/*! Called from your login page, this method will find all available logins for the given URLString.

@discussion 1Password will show all matching Login for the naked domain of the given URLString. For example if the user has an item in your 1Password vault with "” as the website and another one with "”, and the URLString is "", 1Password will show both items.

However, if no matching login is found for "", the 1Password Extension will display the "Show all Logins" button so that the user can search among all the Logins in the vault. This is especially useful when the user has a login for "".

After the user selects a login, it is stored into an NSDictionary and given to your completion handler. Use the Login Dictionary keys above to extract the needed information and update your UI. The completion block is guaranteed to be called on the main thread.

@param URLString For the matching Logins in the 1Password vault.

@param viewController The view controller from which the 1Password Extension is invoked. Usually self

@param sender The sender which triggers the share sheet to show. UIButton, UIBarButtonItem or UIView. Can also be nil on iPhone, but not on iPad.

@param completion A completion block called with two parameters loginDictionary and error once completed. The loginDictionary reply parameter that contains the username, password and the One-Time Password if available. The error Reply parameter that is nil if the 1Password Extension has been successfully completed, or it contains error information about the completion failure. */

/*! Create a new login within 1Password and allow the user to generate a new password before saving.

@discussion The provided URLString should be unique to your app or service and be identical to what you pass into the find login method. The completion block is guaranteed to be called on the main thread.

@param URLString For the new Login to be saved in 1Password.

@param loginDetailsDictionary about the Login to be saved, including custom fields, are stored in an dictionary and given to the 1Password Extension.

@param passwordGenerationOptions The Password generator options represented in a dictionary form.

@param viewController The view controller from which the 1Password Extension is invoked. Usually self

@param sender The sender which triggers the share sheet to show. UIButton, UIBarButtonItem or UIView. Can also be nil on iPhone, but not on iPad.

@param completion A completion block which is called with type parameters loginDictionary and error. The loginDictionary reply parameter which contain all the information about the newly saved Login. Use the Login Dictionary keys above to extract the needed information and update your UI. For example, updating the UI with the newly generated password lets the user know their action was successful. The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1Password Extension has been successfully completed, or it contains error information about the completion failure. */

/*! Change the password for an existing login within 1Password.

@discussion The provided URLString should be unique to your app or service and be identical to what you pass into the find login method. The completion block is guaranteed to be called on the main thread.

1Password 6 and later: The 1Password Extension will display all available the matching Logins for the given URL string. The user can choose which Login item to update. The "New Login" button will also be available at all times, in case the user wishes to to create a new Login instead,

1Password 5: These are the three scenarios that are supported:

  1. A single matching Login is found: 1Password will enter edit mode for that Login and will update its password using the value for AppExtensionPasswordKey.
  2. More than a one matching Logins are found: 1Password will display a list of all matching Logins. The user must choose which one to update. Once in edit mode, the Login will be updated with the new password.
  3. No matching login is found: 1Password will create a new Login using the optional fields if available to populate its properties.

    @param URLString for the Login to be updated with a new password in 1Password.

    @param loginDetailsDictionary about the Login to be saved, including old password and the username, are stored in an dictionary and given to the 1Password Extension.

    @param passwordGenerationOptions The Password generator options epresented in a dictionary form.

    @param viewController The view controller from which the 1Password Extension is invoked. Usually self

    @param sender The sender which triggers the share sheet to show. UIButton, UIBarButtonItem or UIView. Can also be nil on iPhone, but not on iPad.

    @param completion A completion block which is called with type parameters loginDictionary and error. The loginDictionary reply parameter which contain all the information about the newly updated Login, including the newly generated and the old password. Use the Login Dictionary keys above to extract the needed information and update your UI. For example, updating the UI with the newly generated password lets the user know their action was successful. The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1Password Extension has been successfully completed, or it contains error information about the completion failure. */

    • (void)changePasswordForLoginForURLString:(nonnull NSString )URLString loginDetails:(nullable NSDictionary )loginDetailsDictionary passwordGenerationOptions:(nullable NSDictionary )passwordGenerationOptions forViewController:(UIViewController )viewController sender:(nullable id)sender completion:(nonnull OnePasswordLoginDictionaryCompletionBlock)completion;

/*! Called from your web view controller, this method will show all the saved logins for the active page in the provided web view, and automatically fill the HTML form fields. Supports both WKWebView and UIWebView.

@discussion 1Password will show all matching Login for the naked domain of the current website. For example if the user has an item in your 1Password vault with "” as the website and another one with "”, and the current website is "", 1Password will show both items.

However, if no matching login is found for "", the 1Password Extension will display the "New Login" button so that the user can create a new Login for the current website.

@param webView The web view which displays the form to be filled. The active UIWebView Or WKWebView. Must not be nil.

@param viewController The view controller from which the 1Password Extension is invoked. Usually self

@param sender The sender which triggers the share sheet to show. UIButton, UIBarButtonItem or UIView. Can also be nil on iPhone, but not on iPad.

@param yesOrNo Boolean flag. If YES is passed only matching Login items will be shown, otherwise the 1Password Extension will also display Credit Cards and Identities.

@param completion Completion block called on completion with parameters success, and error. The success reply parameter that is YES if the 1Password Extension has been successfully completed or NO otherwise. The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1Password Extension has been successfully completed, or it contains error information about the completion failure. */

/*! Called in the UIActivityViewController completion block to find out whether or not the user selected the 1Password Extension activity.

@param activityType or the bundle identidier of the selected activity in the share sheet.

@return isOnePasswordExtensionActivityType Returns YES if the selected activity is the 1Password extension, NO otherwise. */

/*! The returned NSExtensionItem can be used to create your own UIActivityViewController. Use isOnePasswordExtensionActivityType: and fillReturnedItems:intoWebView:completion: in the activity view controller completion block to process the result. The completion block is guaranteed to be called on the main thread.

@param webView The web view which displays the form to be filled. The active UIWebView Or WKWebView. Must not be nil.

@param completion Completion block called on completion with extensionItem and error. The extensionItem reply parameter that is contains all the info required by the 1Password extension if has been successfully completed or nil otherwise. The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1Password extension item has been successfully created, or it contains error information about the completion failure. */

/*! Method used in the UIActivityViewController completion block to fill information into a web view.

@param returnedItems Array which contains the selected activity in the share sheet. Empty array if the share sheet is cancelled by the user. @param webView The web view which displays the form to be filled. The active UIWebView Or WKWebView. Must not be nil.

@param completion Completion block called on completion with parameters success, and error. The success reply parameter that is YES if the 1Password Extension has been successfully completed or NO otherwise. The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1Password Extension has been successfully completed, or it contains error information about the completion failure. */

/! Deprecated in version 1.5 @see Use fillItemIntoWebView:forViewController:sender:showOnlyLogins:completion: instead /

if __has_feature(nullability)


ironfangyin commented 7 years ago

// // 1Password Extension // // Lovingly handcrafted by Dave Teare, Michael Fey, Rad Azzouz, and Roustem Karimov. // Copyright (c) 2014 AgileBits. All rights reserved. //

import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

import <MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h>

ifdef __IPHONE_8_0

import <WebKit/WebKit.h>


if __has_feature(nullability)



define nullable

define __nullable

define nonnull

define __nonnull


// Login Dictionary keys - Used to get or set the properties of a 1Password Login

define AppExtensionURLStringKey @"url_string"

define AppExtensionUsernameKey @"username"

define AppExtensionPasswordKey @"password"

define AppExtensionTOTPKey @"totp"

define AppExtensionTitleKey @"login_title"

define AppExtensionNotesKey @"notes"

define AppExtensionSectionTitleKey @"section_title"

define AppExtensionFieldsKey @"fields"

define AppExtensionReturnedFieldsKey @"returned_fields"

define AppExtensionOldPasswordKey @"old_password"

define AppExtensionPasswordGeneratorOptionsKey @"password_generator_options"

// Password Generator options - Used to set the 1Password Password Generator options when saving a new Login or when changing the password for for an existing Login

define AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordMinLengthKey @"password_min_length"

define AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordMaxLengthKey @"password_max_length"

define AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordRequireDigitsKey @"password_require_digits"

define AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordRequireSymbolsKey @"password_require_symbols"

define AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordForbiddenCharactersKey @"password_forbidden_characters"

// Errors codes

define AppExtensionErrorDomain @"OnePasswordExtension"

define AppExtensionErrorCodeCancelledByUser 0

define AppExtensionErrorCodeAPINotAvailable 1

define AppExtensionErrorCodeFailedToContactExtension 2

define AppExtensionErrorCodeFailedToLoadItemProviderData 3

define AppExtensionErrorCodeCollectFieldsScriptFailed 4

define AppExtensionErrorCodeFillFieldsScriptFailed 5

define AppExtensionErrorCodeUnexpectedData 6

define AppExtensionErrorCodeFailedToObtainURLStringFromWebView 7

// Note to creators of libraries or frameworks: // If you include this code within your library, then to prevent potential duplicate symbol // conflicts for adopters of your library, you should rename the OnePasswordExtension class // and associated typedefs. You might to so by adding your own project prefix, e.g., // MyLibraryOnePasswordExtension.

typedef void (^OnePasswordLoginDictionaryCompletionBlock)(NSDictionary __nullable loginDictionary, NSError nullable error); typedef void (^OnePasswordSuccessCompletionBlock)(BOOL success, NSError * nullable error); typedef void (^OnePasswordExtensionItemCompletionBlock)(NSExtensionItem __nullable extensionItem, NSError __nullable error);

@interface OnePasswordExtension : NSObject

(OnePasswordExtension )sharedExtension; /! @discussion Determines if the 1Password Extension is available. Allows you to only show the 1Password login button to those that can use it. Of course, you could leave the button enabled and educate users about the virtues of strong, unique passwords instead :)

@return isAppExtensionAvailable Returns YES if any app that supports the generic org-appextension-feature-password-management feature is installed on the device. */

ifdef __IPHONE_8_0

(BOOL)isAppExtensionAvailable NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE_IOS("Not available in an extension. Check if org-appextension-feature-password-management:// URL can be opened by the app.");




/*! Called from your login page, this method will find all available logins for the given URLString.

@discussion 1Password will show all matching Login for the naked domain of the given URLString. For example if the user has an item in your 1Password vault with "” as the website and another one with "”, and the URLString is "", 1Password will show both items.

However, if no matching login is found for "", the 1Password Extension will display the "Show all Logins" button so that the user can search among all the Logins in the vault. This is especially useful when the user has a login for "".

After the user selects a login, it is stored into an NSDictionary and given to your completion handler. Use the Login Dictionary keys above to extract the needed information and update your UI. The completion block is guaranteed to be called on the main thread.

@param URLString For the matching Logins in the 1Password vault.

@param viewController The view controller from which the 1Password Extension is invoked. Usually self

@param sender The sender which triggers the share sheet to show. UIButton, UIBarButtonItem or UIView. Can also be nil on iPhone, but not on iPad.

@param completion A completion block called with two parameters loginDictionary and error once completed. The loginDictionary reply parameter that contains the username, password and the One-Time Password if available. The error Reply parameter that is nil if the 1Password Extension has been successfully completed, or it contains error information about the completion failure. */

(void)findLoginForURLString:(nonnull NSString )URLString forViewController:(nonnull UIViewController )viewController sender:(nullable id)sender completion:(nonnull OnePasswordLoginDictionaryCompletionBlock)completion; /*! Create a new login within 1Password and allow the user to generate a new password before saving.

@discussion The provided URLString should be unique to your app or service and be identical to what you pass into the find login method. The completion block is guaranteed to be called on the main thread.

@param URLString For the new Login to be saved in 1Password.

@param loginDetailsDictionary about the Login to be saved, including custom fields, are stored in an dictionary and given to the 1Password Extension.

@param passwordGenerationOptions The Password generator options represented in a dictionary form.

@param viewController The view controller from which the 1Password Extension is invoked. Usually self

@param sender The sender which triggers the share sheet to show. UIButton, UIBarButtonItem or UIView. Can also be nil on iPhone, but not on iPad.

@param completion A completion block which is called with type parameters loginDictionary and error. The loginDictionary reply parameter which contain all the information about the newly saved Login. Use the Login Dictionary keys above to extract the needed information and update your UI. For example, updating the UI with the newly generated password lets the user know their action was successful. The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1Password Extension has been successfully completed, or it contains error information about the completion failure. */

(void)storeLoginForURLString:(nonnull NSString )URLString loginDetails:(nullable NSDictionary )loginDetailsDictionary passwordGenerationOptions:(nullable NSDictionary )passwordGenerationOptions forViewController:(nonnull UIViewController )viewController sender:(nullable id)sender completion:(nonnull OnePasswordLoginDictionaryCompletionBlock)completion; /*! Change the password for an existing login within 1Password.

@discussion The provided URLString should be unique to your app or service and be identical to what you pass into the find login method. The completion block is guaranteed to be called on the main thread.

1Password 6 and later: The 1Password Extension will display all available the matching Logins for the given URL string. The user can choose which Login item to update. The "New Login" button will also be available at all times, in case the user wishes to to create a new Login instead,

1Password 5: These are the three scenarios that are supported:

A single matching Login is found: 1Password will enter edit mode for that Login and will update its password using the value for AppExtensionPasswordKey. More than a one matching Logins are found: 1Password will display a list of all matching Logins. The user must choose which one to update. Once in edit mode, the Login will be updated with the new password. No matching login is found: 1Password will create a new Login using the optional fields if available to populate its properties. @param URLString for the Login to be updated with a new password in 1Password.

@param loginDetailsDictionary about the Login to be saved, including old password and the username, are stored in an dictionary and given to the 1Password Extension.

@param passwordGenerationOptions The Password generator options epresented in a dictionary form.

@param viewController The view controller from which the 1Password Extension is invoked. Usually self

@param sender The sender which triggers the share sheet to show. UIButton, UIBarButtonItem or UIView. Can also be nil on iPhone, but not on iPad.

@param completion A completion block which is called with type parameters loginDictionary and error. The loginDictionary reply parameter which contain all the information about the newly updated Login, including the newly generated and the old password. Use the Login Dictionary keys above to extract the needed information and update your UI. For example, updating the UI with the newly generated password lets the user know their action was successful. The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1Password Extension has been successfully completed, or it contains error information about the completion failure. */

(void)changePasswordForLoginForURLString:(nonnull NSString )URLString loginDetails:(nullable NSDictionary )loginDetailsDictionary passwordGenerationOptions:(nullable NSDictionary )passwordGenerationOptions forViewController:(UIViewController )viewController sender:(nullable id)sender completion:(nonnull OnePasswordLoginDictionaryCompletionBlock)completion; /*! Called from your web view controller, this method will show all the saved logins for the active page in the provided web view, and automatically fill the HTML form fields. Supports both WKWebView and UIWebView.

@discussion 1Password will show all matching Login for the naked domain of the current website. For example if the user has an item in your 1Password vault with "” as the website and another one with "”, and the current website is "", 1Password will show both items.

However, if no matching login is found for "", the 1Password Extension will display the "New Login" button so that the user can create a new Login for the current website.

@param webView The web view which displays the form to be filled. The active UIWebView Or WKWebView. Must not be nil.

@param viewController The view controller from which the 1Password Extension is invoked. Usually self

@param sender The sender which triggers the share sheet to show. UIButton, UIBarButtonItem or UIView. Can also be nil on iPhone, but not on iPad.

@param yesOrNo Boolean flag. If YES is passed only matching Login items will be shown, otherwise the 1Password Extension will also display Credit Cards and Identities.

@param completion Completion block called on completion with parameters success, and error. The success reply parameter that is YES if the 1Password Extension has been successfully completed or NO otherwise. The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1Password Extension has been successfully completed, or it contains error information about the completion failure. */

(void)fillItemIntoWebView:(nonnull id)webView forViewController:(nonnull UIViewController )viewController sender:(nullable id)sender showOnlyLogins:(BOOL)yesOrNo completion:(nonnull OnePasswordSuccessCompletionBlock)completion; /! Called in the UIActivityViewController completion block to find out whether or not the user selected the 1Password Extension activity.

@param activityType or the bundle identidier of the selected activity in the share sheet.

@return isOnePasswordExtensionActivityType Returns YES if the selected activity is the 1Password extension, NO otherwise. */

(BOOL)isOnePasswordExtensionActivityType:(nullable NSString )activityType; /! The returned NSExtensionItem can be used to create your own UIActivityViewController. Use isOnePasswordExtensionActivityType: and fillReturnedItems:intoWebView:completion: in the activity view controller completion block to process the result. The completion block is guaranteed to be called on the main thread.

@param webView The web view which displays the form to be filled. The active UIWebView Or WKWebView. Must not be nil.

@param completion Completion block called on completion with extensionItem and error. The extensionItem reply parameter that is contains all the info required by the 1Password extension if has been successfully completed or nil otherwise. The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1Password extension item has been successfully created, or it contains error information about the completion failure. */

(void)createExtensionItemForWebView:(nonnull id)webView completion:(nonnull OnePasswordExtensionItemCompletionBlock)completion; /*! Method used in the UIActivityViewController completion block to fill information into a web view.

@param returnedItems Array which contains the selected activity in the share sheet. Empty array if the share sheet is cancelled by the user. @param webView The web view which displays the form to be filled. The active UIWebView Or WKWebView. Must not be nil.

@param completion Completion block called on completion with parameters success, and error. The success reply parameter that is YES if the 1Password Extension has been successfully completed or NO otherwise. The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1Password Extension has been successfully completed, or it contains error information about the completion failure. */

(void)fillReturnedItems:(nullable NSArray )returnedItems intoWebView:(nonnull id)webView completion:(nonnull OnePasswordSuccessCompletionBlock)completion; /! Deprecated in version 1.5 @see Use fillItemIntoWebView:forViewController:sender:showOnlyLogins:completion: instead */

(void)fillLoginIntoWebView:(nonnull id)webView forViewController:(nonnull UIViewController *)viewController sender:(nullable id)sender completion:(nonnull OnePasswordSuccessCompletionBlock)completion attribute((deprecated("Use fillItemIntoWebView:forViewController:sender:showOnlyLogins:completion: instead. Deprecated in version 1.5"))); @end

if __has_feature(nullability)


gks commented 7 years ago

@ironfangyin What exactly am I looking at here besides a copy and paste of the source? I was not able to note any immediate differences. I am closing this until a more accurate understanding of what bug/feature you are reporting or requesting is provided.