agilebits / onepassword-app-extension

1Password Extension for iOS Apps
2.58k stars 311 forks source link

Swift 4 Reworked Version #391

Closed fahlout closed 6 years ago

fahlout commented 6 years ago

I have taken the time to convert the extension to a swift version, Swift 4 to be exact. You can find it here: PasswordExtension

ghost commented 6 years ago

Thank you, I was exactly looking for this

Edit: I tried to install it and [!] Unable to find a specification for PasswordExtension

fahlout commented 6 years ago

@ivanmoreno Sorry for the late response. I just confirmed that adding "pod 'PasswordExtension'" does indeed add the cocoa pod to the project. Please try it again in your project. Make sure to use pod update instead of pod install as that does not necessarily update your specs.