Closed dspasojevic closed 1 year ago
Failed to decode issues [[\"Invalid value null supplied to : Readonly<Array<({ key: string, self: string, fields: ({ summary: string, description: fromNullable((string | undefined)), created: ReadonlyDate from ISO string, project: { key: string }, timetracking: fromNullable(Partial<{ originalEstimateSeconds: number, timeSpentSeconds: number, remainingEstimateSeconds: number, originalEstimate: string, timeSpent: string }>), fixVersions: ReadonlyArray<{ id: string, name: string, released: boolean }>, aggregateprogress: { progress: fromNullable((number | undefined)), total: fromNullable((number | undefined)), percent: fromNullable((number | undefined)) }, issuetype: { name: string, subtask: boolean }, status: { id: string, name: string, statusCategory: { id: fromNullable((number | undefined)), name: fromNullable((string | undefined)), colorName: fromNullable((string | undefined)) } }, comment: fromNullable((Readonly<(Readonly<{ maxResults: number, total: number, startAt: number }> & { comments: ReadonlyArray<{ id: string, author: fromNullable(({ name: fromNullable((string | undefined)) } | undefined)), body: string, created: ReadonlyDate from ISO string, updated: ReadonlyDate from ISO string }> })> | undefined)), worklog: fromNullable((Readonly<(Readonly<{ maxResults: number, total: number, startAt: number }> & { worklogs: ReadonlyArray<{ author: { name: fromNullable((string | undefined)) }, started: ReadonlyDate from ISO string, timeSpentSeconds: number, comment: fromNullable((string | undefined)) }> })> | undefined)), duedate: fromNullable((DateFromISOString | undefined)) } & Partial<{ aggregatetimeestimate: fromNullable((number | undefined)), aggregatetimeoriginalestimate: fromNullable((number | undefined)), aggregatetimespent: fromNullable((number | undefined)), parent: { id: string, key: string } }> & Readonly<{ [K in string]: unknown }>), changelog: fromNullable({ histories: ReadonlyArray<{ id: string, author: { name: fromNullable((string | undefined)) }, created: ReadonlyDate from ISO string, items: ReadonlyArray<{ field: string, fieldtype: string, from: (string | null), fromString: (string | null), to: (string | null), toString: (string | null) }> }> }) } & { fields: { assignee: { accountId: string, displayName: string } } })>>/0: ({ key: string, self: string, fields: ({ summary: string, description: fromNullable((string | undefined)), created: ReadonlyDate from ISO string, project: { key: string }, timetracking: fromNullable(Partial<{ originalEstimateSeconds: number, timeSpentSeconds: number, remainingEstimateSeconds: number, originalEstimate: string, timeSpent: string }>), fixVersions: ReadonlyArray<{ id: string, name: string, released: boolean }>, aggregateprogress: { progress: fromNullable((number | undefined)), total: fromNullable((number | undefined)), percent: fromNullable((number | undefined)) }, issuetype: { name: string, subtask: boolean }, status: { id: string, name: string, statusCategory: { id: fromNullable((number | undefined)), name: fromNullable((string | undefined)), colorName: fromNullable((string | undefined)) } }, comment: fromNullable((Readonly<(Readonly<{ maxResults: number, total: number, startAt: number }> & { comments: ReadonlyArray<{ id: string, author: fromNullable(({ name: fromNullable((string | undefined)) } | undefined)), body: string, created: ReadonlyDate from ISO string, updated: ReadonlyDate from ISO string }> })> | undefined)), worklog: fromNullable((Readonly<(Readonly<{ maxResults: number, total: number, startAt: number }> & { worklogs: ReadonlyArray<{ author: { name: fromNullable((string | undefined)) }, started: ReadonlyDate from ISO string, timeSpentSeconds: number, comment: fromNullable((string | undefined)) }> })> | undefined)), duedate: fromNullable((DateFromISOString | undefined)) } & Partial<{ aggregatetimeestimate: fromNullable((number | undefined)), aggregatetimeoriginalestimate: fromNullable((number | undefined)), aggregatetimespent: fromNullable((number | undefined)), parent: { id: string, key: string } }> & Readonly<{ [K in string]: unknown }>), changelog: fromNullable({ histories: ReadonlyArray<{ id: string, author: { name: fromNullable((string | undefined)) }, created: ReadonlyDate from ISO string, items: ReadonlyArray<{ field: string, fieldtype: string, from: (string | null), fromString: (string | null), to: (string | null), toString: (string | null) }> }> }) } & { fields: { assignee: { accountId: string, displayName: string } } })/1: { fields: { assignee: { accountId: string, displayName: string } } }/fields: { assignee: { accountId: string, displayName: string } }/assignee
Failed to decode issues [["Expecting Readonly<{ accountId: string, displayName: string }> at 0.1.fields.assignee but instead got: null"]]