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Write some questions for Agile Profiles #4

Open melindaburgess opened 7 years ago

melindaburgess commented 7 years ago

AGL has an Agile Profile feature where we "interview" someone who has experience infusing agile into their agency or government projects. We send them a list of questions, and they choose a few to answer. Then we post their answers and photo on the AGL website so others can benefit from the experience and insight of the interviewee.

See Agile Profiles.

How you can help We are looking to re-vamp the questions for Agile Profiles to make sure they are most helpful to our audience. What questions would you and your colleagues ask to gain the most benefit from someone who has experience in bringing Agile to government?

Contribute to this effort by editing or adding to the list of questions located on our wiki page below.

Agile Profile instructions and questions