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Agile Six works with government agencies to create customized digital solutions that meet the needs of their users, both staff and citizens.
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Create Design System for #24

Open bderfer68 opened 4 years ago

bderfer68 commented 4 years ago

As a stakeholder, I want the ability to easily and quickly preview site changes based on enablers/constraints built into a system of reusable components.


Note: Storybook may be a good tool to use to create this.

DanielMiller-agile6 commented 4 years ago

Gatsby docs have some instructions for usage with Storybook. Looks like these docs are a little out of date with the latest version of Storybook, but I think this should more or less still work as described:

I'll setup an example integration we can discuss at next meeting, along with a few example stories for existing components and page layouts.