agileware / wp-civicrm-ux

WordPress CiviCRM UX - User Experience enhancements
GNU General Public License v2.0
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New Event Types not showing with or without special characters. #36

Open dwoods-encircle opened 4 months ago

dwoods-encircle commented 4 months ago

Thanks for another great plugin! This isn't a big issue, but could cause people to trip up.

I Added two new event types to the default list, one called "Event-Type (New)" and another "Event-Type (New 2)".

These are not shown on the calendar [ux_event_fullcalendar types="Event-Type (New),Event-Type (New2),Diversity Event"], even when explicitly added to the "types" shortcode attribute.

Removing the "types" attribute to show all events results in no events being shown.

Rather than added two new event types, I have renamed the Workshop and Conference types to "Event New" and "Event New2". These are now shown.

The special characters "-" and "()" seem to cause issues, but any new Event Types added to the default list do not appear.

Please let me know if I can help with any testing or additional info.

WP 6.5.2, Civi 5.69.4, PHP8.1.

agileware-fj commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the report.

Event types with non-alphanumeric characters are actually not supported – anything other than A-Z, a-z, 0-9 or a space will be stripped out when the event type is processed from the types attribute. It may be possible to remove this limitation, however would need some targeted testing.

With removing the "types" attribute ... It looks to me like this is actually a required attribute in general. I'm not sure if that's what you mean here, or whether it only came about with the 'special' characters.

Can you also please provide an example to illustrate what you mean by "any new Event Types added to the default list do not appear."
