agilgur5 / react-signature-canvas

A React wrapper component around signature_pad (in < 150 LoC). Unopinionated and heavily updated fork of react-signature-pad
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issues in latest Google Chrome 117 #100

Closed zhil closed 8 months ago

zhil commented 8 months ago

After recent Google Chrome update I noticed, that react-signature-canvas is not working correctly any more.

Line is showed as dotted line and auto-removed.

Here is online sandbox

Not working in Google Chrome 117.0.5938.132 on Ubuntu bug

Works just fine in Firefox on the same PC bug

agilgur5 commented 8 months ago

I'm not sure that there's anything we can really do about a Chrome regression, especially in this tiny wrapper

zhil commented 8 months ago

Sorry, I didnt realize, that this library is a wrapper.

I reported issue here

zhil commented 7 months ago

@agilgur5 native library author proposed solution, but I cant use it

You can opt in with something like this:

signaturePad.addEventListener("afterUpdateStroke", () => {

I cant find any way to add event listener. I tried to use code like

sigPadRef.current._sigPad.addEventListener("afterUpdateStroke", () => {
            console.log('ACA-512 patch');

<SignatureCanvas ref={sigPadRef} ..... />

but its not working.

Also I cant find any props like OnAfterUpdateStroke etc. :(

agilgur5 commented 7 months ago

Also I cant find any props like OnAfterUpdateStroke etc. :(

Yes that's part of the signature_pad v4 API. react-signature-canvas is still on v2 as v4 had many breaking changes that no contributor has attempted to address yet. See also #68

You can use the onEnd prop/callback which is roughly equivalent to v4's afterUpdateStroke.