agilgur5 / react-signature-canvas

A React wrapper component around signature_pad (in < 150 LoC). Unopinionated and heavily updated fork of react-signature-pad
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support for `redrawOnResize` func #94

Closed nikhil478 closed 1 year ago

nikhil478 commented 1 year ago

available in react-signature-pad. if available can u please provide some sample code !

agilgur5 commented 1 year ago

Per the description of this component, react-signature-canvas is a fork of react-signature-pad already and is heavily updated with numerous other features. react-signature-pad has also not had a commit in 5+ years.

So I'm not sure what you're referencing, but it does not have any such redrawOnResize function.

Please recognize that open-source maintainers are unpaid volunteers -- filing an issue is a request for a maintainer's free time. If you are making such a request for another person's time, please make sure it is, at the minimum, detailed and specific, in order to be as respectful of that person's time as possible. With that in mind, a one sentence issue without a description, with no links, and an invalid reference is likely not very respectful by those standards.

nikhil478 commented 1 year ago

it was actually react wrapper i used it before using signature-canvas and i think it was signature pad Sorry for that i m just new to community ! i can understand and apologized for same !

link of the repo:

Screenshot (475)

can u provide support of redrawOnResize in future release! as redrawOnResize currently NA on signature-canvas

basically what i need is height and width of signature canvas adjust according to size of window it was opened in. this feature is available in react-signature-pad-wrapper as redrawOnResize ! @agilgur5