agiorguk / gemini

Resources relating to the UK Gemini metadata profile
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Improve guidance on use of and registering additional GEMINI profiles (was Request to register an additional GEMINI profile) #30

Open PeterParslow opened 3 years ago

PeterParslow commented 3 years ago

At we say to contact us "to add a new metadata (profile) standard name to the NERC vocab server". I don't think we agreed what we'd do about such contacts, but in our email correspondence about it in Jan 2020, Jo asked how she would get additional profiles added to the NERC list, and Sean answered that it's him.

So, at most we (GEMINI WG) should have a simple process & then pass the name & definition on to Sean.

Here's the request:

"OS would like to register our own profile of GEMINI which will have at least a couple of additional elements that are not in GEMINI or in ISO 19115:2003/19139. So far, we only intend to use this internally, but it would make our GeoNetwork implementation more consistent if we can already create a correct anchor link to the NERC server, rather than starting with a link to our own hosted definition.

Profile name: ISO 19139 based OS metadata profile Definition: Ordnance Survey profile of UK GEMINI"

6footdestiny commented 3 years ago

Sounds sensible but do we have representation from other communities (MOD/Health et) that may have their own (possibly internal) profiles? Making the NERC vocab server is fine by me but unsure if others might not disagree with that? Q. is there an alternative or 'official' alternate registry?

PeterParslow commented 2 years ago


The profile name should be simpler: "OS metadata profile". The description/definition contains information about the fact that it extends GEMINI.

Perhaps the definition/description should say what extensions have been made? At, the EA profile does; the MEDIN one doesn't!

We need stricter rules on how we use the NERC register.

archaeogeek commented 8 months ago

New guidance is required on how to use and register new metadata profiles that extend GEMINI (such as EAMP or MEDIN). This needs to explain the technical process of registering with but also absolves the GEMINI WG of any responsibility for the new extension.

This probably needs a new page, or a paragraph added to

coalsh commented 6 months ago

I don think any guidance needs to be drafted outlining the technical process of registering with The reason being is that the M25 vocabulary lists all the geospatial discovery metadata standards, specifications and profiles that are recognised by MEDIN. If any governance group that have generated a profile of GEMINI want to recommend the use of the M25 vocabulary to populate the 'Metadata standard name' element, they can contact MEDIN to get their standard added as a term. I am not sure this needs to be specified on the AGI website?

With regards to absolving the GEMINI WG of any responsibility for the new extension, is everyone happy with adding the following paragraph to

When registering a profile of UK GEMINI, the overseeing body or entity governing the profile bears the responsibility of ensuring its alignment with the specifications delineated within the GEMINI geographic metadata standard. In the assessment of geographic metadata resources generated through the application of a UK GEMINI profile, validation criteria necessitate successful compliance with GEMINI Schematron validation checks. The GEMINI working group does not assume responsibility for any extension of the GEMINI geographic metadata standard or guarantee the compatibility of profiles with the GEMINI Standard.

PeterParslow commented 6 months ago

Makes sense.

How about adding a mention that information about the MEDIN "M25" list is on that site, and simplifying some other wording:

Information about how to register a profile in the MEDIN list is on that site. When registering a profile of UK GEMINI, the body or entity governing the profile remains responsible to ensuring it aligns with GEMINI. Testing for compliance with the profile should include passing the GEMINI Schematron validation checks. The GEMINI working group does not assume responsibility for any extension of the GEMINI geographic metadata standard or guarantee the compatibility of profiles with the GEMINI Standard.

coalsh commented 5 months ago

Sounds good to me. I'll need to draft the M25 process steps and publish them first before adding that that information to the paragraph.