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DD3 R5. General section on ‘linking out to things’ #36

Open PeterParslow opened 3 years ago

PeterParslow commented 3 years ago

This arose from peer review comments, where different organisations encouraged links to additional documents, other related datasets, terms in glossaries, and the results of data sharing risk assessments, licences. See also the Linked Identifiers Project described in section 2.2.2. Note: this is not intended to be a discussion of _Resource locator_s, but in the context of ‘controlled lists of terms’. At present, the XML Encoding pages describe how to do this. It would be helpful if the general guidance indicated where it is most useful and the reasons for it. That can then explain the conceptual difference between linking out to a pre-defined ISO 19115 (19139) fragment, and linking out to a character string. It may still be appropriate that the difference in validation of these two is described in the XML Encoding pages. From our thinking, the prime candidates are Keyword, Extent, licences and Conformity (where it is already the case). At present, general guidance is spread across the GEMINI introductory web page and the two pages that originated from Part 1 and Part 2 of the GEMINI Guidance. These should probably be consolidated, and this text added in an appropriate place: Where possible, use references to authoritative external definitions rather than simply free text. For example: • where a keyword or geographic extent (named place) is available online, include a link to it; • link to the specifications which you cite in conformity clauses; and • link to online licences where available. Section 2.2.11 of the Encoding Guidance should be changed as it currently says that: “Typically, by reference shall be used for identifying the vertical CRS of a vertical extent and the implementation of coupled resource (following INSPIRE guidelines) alone”, whereas GEMINI actually encourages the use of links out to controlled lists and other reference data in a wider range of GEMINI elements.