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DD3 R9. Add a GEMINI element identical to ISO 19115 MD_Identification.purpose #43

Open PeterParslow opened 3 years ago

PeterParslow commented 3 years ago

This makes it clearer to users what the original purpose in collecting and publishing the data was. Note: ISO 19115 only allows a single purpose which is a free text “summary of the intentions with which the resource(s) was developed”. If DD3 (or anyone else!) does establish a register of “purposes” then this would be best encoded with a gmx:Anchor to the purpose in that register.

Name: Purpose
Definition Summary of the intentions for which the resource was developed
Purpose and meaning To make it clearer to users what the original purpose in collecting and publishing the data was.
Obligation Optional
Occurrence Single
Data type Character string
Domain Free text
Comment If this element is used, the information should not be repeated in the Abstract.
Examples Natura 2000 report
Marine navigation

Town planning
Corresponding element in other standards Standard Name Comparison
ISO 19115:2003 MD_Identification.purpose Identical
ISO 19139:2007 /gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:purpose Identical If the resource was developed for education: educationalPurpose The GEMINI element is more general

Encoding guidelines

Guidelines If there is a register of purposes (use cases), then include a reference to that, using gmx:Anchor 


        <gco:CharacterString>Town planning</gco:CharacterString> 
``` |
nmtoken commented 8 months ago

Other example of use of Purpose from PURE portal description of models: