agittins / bermuda

Bermuda Bluetooth/BLE Triangulation / Trilateration for HomeAssistant
MIT License
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MQTT data format #221

Closed WyriHaximus closed 1 day ago

WyriHaximus commented 5 days ago

For Bluetooth presence detection, I'm looking into using a few shelly plugs with Bluetooth and Bermuda to do device triangulation. My catch however is that I can't use Bluetooth from Home Assistant directly due to the way I'm running it. However, with the scripting on the Shelly plugs I can do the detection and send the information over MQTT to HA instead of Bluetooth.

The device detection and shipping it to MQTT works. What is currently missing however is in which format to send it to MQTT. Unless I'm blind, which wouldn't be the first time, there isn't information in the wiki on the data format expected. Can someone point me in the direction to that?

agittins commented 5 days ago

The only supported way (ie, it's known to work) is to use the Shelly integration in HA:

Note that the proxied data is not "sent via bluetooth", it's sent via Wifi.

Would this work for you?

agittins commented 1 day ago

I'm going to close this one.

For the record, to do what you are describing you'd need to write a whole new integration in HA, that took data from mqtt and pumped it into HA's internal bluetooth structures.

You'd have to do that yourself, as it's unlikely to be something anyone else would need, unless you can clarify what you mean by "I can't use Bluetooth from Home Assistant directly due to the way I'm running it."

Happy to provide some further guidance if you want to explain your setup and why the normal approach won't work for you.