agl / pond

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Send messages to multiple recipients, optionally introducing some of them to all the others #161

Open burdges opened 9 years ago

burdges commented 9 years ago

This pull supersedes incorporating suggestions by @agl Check for further earlier comments on the development.

Messages can be sent to multiple recipients. By default, recipients are not told other recipients exist, like BCC in email. Optionally, recipients may be marked as to "introduce", which tells other recipients about them and tells them about all the other recipients. In particular, an introduced recipient and any other recipients see a "greet" button which allows them to initiate a PANDA key exchange.

As noted in introduction functionality creates a vector to socially engineer an MITM attack. We therefore provide three new records introducedBy, verifiedBy, and introducedTo to record your local social graph, as visible from messages containing introductions. In theory, these would help contacts discover such socially engineering attacks. Users may disable collecting these records.

Our short-term TODO list :

Our longer-term TODO list :

burdges commented 9 years ago

Again I kept all protobuf rebuilds in separate commits, 4427d653 and 4a2bad1f for client/disk/disk.proto and 995a3eda for protos/pond.proto. It'll reduce the final diff by around 1200 lines if @agl adds another commit that rebuilds these with his protobuf version.

bnagy commented 9 years ago

For the record, I can't support this. It's needlessly leaking metadata and I can't see any upside whatsoever.

ioerror commented 9 years ago

On the idea of group messaging:

I like the idea of allowing sending to multiple people - I also like the idea of optionally introducing those people to each other. That is - I like the idea of BCC to a group - where group state is kept on my machine but not revealed. I also like the idea of CC to a group - where the group is flat and everyone knows everyone else, even if unauthorized. I also like the idea of a fully flat group where everyone may meet everyone else.

By default, I think groups should be BCC style groups - though I think that "regular" people want this to behave like email - so we should allow for an email style CC list - so we can use Pond to organize as well as to broadcast to groups.

@bnagy - could you enumerate each of the concerns that you have? I think that the nice part about the meta revealing is that it can be done entirely inside of messages - the social graph information can be leaked internally between peers (which is the human model, not made worse but made possible securely).

@agl - what do you think of these group style messages?

It seems to me that merely allowing for peer to peer communications is a good start - though short of Onion Routing style designs, I think, we'll want group messaging from one peer to many. That requires introductions and a local petname system.

I'm certainly open to understanding how we might accomplish these things another way. Right now I've been sending identical copies of messages to multiple people manually. That is painfully slow and also annoying. For example, when I want to send a file, I send it several times, which is not ideal at all.

burdges commented 9 years ago

People already do introductions in Pond because PANDA makes that an intuitive use case. And they're correct to do so since people screw up PGP, etc. Adding introductions as a feature therefore improves security by (a) doing the introductions as securely as possible, (b) increasing the rate of honest introductions helps expose social engineering attacks, and (c) providing a venue for better documenting pond op sec.

There was however one big question around "leaking less metadata" while doing introductions : We must deduplicate introductions with existing contacts because that's (a) intuitive and (b) helps detect social engineering attacks. So what data should be shared to deduplicate introductions with existing contacts? The public identity key and the original public key are the two obvious choices.

I selected the identity key for deduplication because :

First @agl proposed at 31c3 that introductions should eventually abandon PANDA for a manual-like key exchange, after the coming switch from group signatures to HMAC. Avoiding PANDA would obviously require sharing the identity key. Pond messages are more secure than PANDA exchanges so that's a net win.

Second Pond needs a notion of fingerprint that users tie to their real world identity by publishing it online. We cannot base the fingerprint on the identity key because identity keys are selectors in that an attacker could hack the pond server to collect message size and timing metadata. We'd also prefer that introductions not communicate this fingerprint because that protects a user who rejects an introduction from having their real world identity verified.

Is there a downside of deduplication using the identity key? Yes but it's highly theoretical. If Alice rejects Bob's introduction to Carol, and both Alice's pond server and Carol's pond client are owned by Eve, then Eve can collect message size and timing metadata on Alice. In this scenario, Eve looks remarkably talented because she already owned two very different machines, and possesses the math savvy to value timing metadata, so what exactly prevented Eve from owning Bob directly merely because Carol knows him? Alice is imho better off seeing the degree to which Pond inherently exposes her local social graph, maybe her situation demands a second Pond account or something.

bnagy commented 9 years ago

@ioerror I am completely fine with the idea of group messaging using BCC style groups. As far as I can see that requires no change to the core, it's all in the UI.

"Second Pond needs a notion of fingerprint that users tie to their real world identity by publishing it online. " This is the part I disagree with most violently. Pond needs the opposite of that. What is the point of building a system which promotes unlinkability by dropping all of the stupid web of trust mistakes made by PGP and then backlifting a half-baked web of trust onto it? If you want that kind of system GPG and email is already THERE and strawmanning about how it's "hard to use" isn't enough of a defence.

I'd agree that the onboarding is not completely ideal, and there are probably a few things about PANDA that could be looked at.

grugq commented 9 years ago

"Second Pond needs a notion of fingerprint that users tie to their real world identity by publishing it online"

Why? What COMSEC problem does it solve? Other than exposing people to additional risk, what benefit does this have? Linking identities to people is one of the serious problems with PGP.

@ioerror providing BCC functionality is certainly fine, and seems like a straightforward change to the UI/UX. I am not convinced on groups.

burdges commented 9 years ago

Introductions record exactly the information your client sees anyways. There is no "web of trust" in that records are never sent elsewhere. No metadata is "leaked" because users make a conscious choice to tell someone they know someone else.

We need a safe fingerprint that does not create risks when publish online, sent via email, etc. because users expect one. If no safe fingerprint exists then some users will publish unsafe values, like their public identity key, which makes the server a target. I'll submit a separate pull for that.

grugq commented 9 years ago

I’m not seeing what the benefit of publishing a fingerprint is. Either the key exchange works, and you are speaking to the correct person, or it fails and you aren’t speaking to anyone. Where is there a need to verify a fingerprint?

A strong point in favor of Pond mailboxes is that they are anonymous. Having a fingerprint that you publish makes them as dangerous as using PGP. For examples of how bad this is, see Tom Ritter’s talk “Deanonymizing alt.anonymous.messages”:



Adding features that make Pond more dangerous to use strikes me as a bad idea. If people want to play with dangerous communications systems they can use PGP + email. =

bnagy commented 9 years ago

What I'm seeing here is a fundamental disconnect. Pond, used correctly as part of an overall comsec regime provides benefits which are not available in any other tool, and it goes as far as it possibly can to stop users from cutting themselves. The changes you propose make it easier for users to cut themselves.


For onboarding Pond already provides two strong methods. PANDA with a strong shared secret ( the window in time of possible compromise is vanishingly small ) and manual KEX using the PEM blocks over a bootstrap channel like a verified IM session or GPG email. These are IMHO more than sufficient for genuine operational needs. Submitting changes to make those more usable is great, but changing the fundamental and carefully designed properties of the system is not.

Finally, who is this "we" business, Kemosabe? Which user base are you claiming to represent here and what is your threat model?

I get that you want to write code, but it seems like there's not enough research / thought being invested into fundamental properties of how secure communication supports real requirements.

burdges commented 9 years ago

I should look into how this interacts with detachments at some point.