aglehmann / pyEcovent

Python library for Vents / Blauberg energy recovery ventilators
MIT License
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Request: Possible to support Flexit Bodo Supreme fan? #20

Open kristianwh opened 1 month ago

kristianwh commented 1 month ago

Hi, I have bought a new Flexit Bodo Supreme fan, and wondered if this would be possible to support with this library. I sniffed a bit of traffic from the app (Flexit Fans), and it connects to some blauberg cloud service. It also looks like it listens on UDP port 4000: Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.064s latency).

PORT STATE SERVICE 4000/udp open|filtered icq

Close this if this is not relevant for this library, or kindly kick me in the right direction. All I want is the ablity to trigger the boost function from home assistant ;)

kristianwh commented 1 month ago

Update: I added 0xD00: 'Flexit Bodo Supreme' to unit_types, and then got a nice printout of the statuses when trying the from the project.

python3 [''] state: None speed: None boost_status: None timer_mode: None timer_counter: 0h 0m 0s humidity_sensor_state: on relay_sensor_state: None analogV_sensor_state: None humidity_treshold: None battery_voltage: 3036 mV humidity: 43 analogV: None relay_status: None man_speed: None fan1_speed: None fan2_speed: 540 filter_timer_countdown: None boost_time: None rtc_time: 11h 49m 50s rtc_date: None weekly_schedule_state: None weekly_schedule_setup: None device_search: 003F001D46465716 device_password: 1111 machine_hours: None alarm_status: None cloud_server_state: None firmware: 0.1 2022-10-04 filter_replacement_status: None wifi_operation_mode: None wifi_name: xxx wifi_pasword: yyy wifi_enc_type: wpa_wpa2_psk wifi_freq_chnnel: 11 wifi_dhcp: DHCP wifi_assigned_ip: wifi_assigned_netmask: wifi_main_gateway: curent_wifi_ip: airflow: None analogV_treshold: None unit_type: Flexit Bodo Supreme night_mode_timer: None party_mode_timer: None humidity_status: off Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/krizze/src/pyEcovent/", line 22, in attr = str(getattr(fan , fan.params[i][0])) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/krizze/src/pyEcovent/ecoventv2/", line 919, in analogV_status return self._analogV_status ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: 'Fan' object has no attribute '_analogV_status'. Did you mean: 'analogV_status'?