agn453 / UNZIP-CPM-Z80

UNZIP and ZIP for CP/M Z80
The Unlicense
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Open zx70 opened 11 months ago

zx70 commented 11 months ago

Providing Deflate is a wonderful achievement. I'd like to point out that a GUNZIP tool is just right behind the corner, probably a CRC16 routine would suffice to provide a nice text deflater.

I could print out the text from a gzipped file with the following mockup, it stops with a CRC error only after having printed out the whole thing:


        push   bc
        push   de
        push   hl
        ld     e,a
        ld     c,conout
        call   bdos     ; B preserved
        pop    hl
        pop    de
        pop    bc

    ;  Verify we have a valid GZip archive
        call    getword
        ld  de,-((0x8b << 8) + 0x1f)        ; magic number
        add hl,de
        ld  a,h
        or  l
        jr  nz,sigerr

        call    getbyte     ; CM (Compression Method)
        sub     8           ; il must be 8 (Deflate)
        jr  nz,sigerr

        call    getbyte     ; File Flags  (see table below)

        call    getword     ; 32-bit timestamp
        call    getword

        call    getbyte     ; Compression flags
    ;   push    af
        call    getbyte     ; Operating system (see table below)
    ;   pop     af

    ;   and     4 ; FEXTRA?
    ;    ... if so we should skip the extra field

    ;  We have the original filename here, let's skip it for now
        call    getbyte
        and     a
        jr nz,fnameloop

        call    undeflate

        jp  closeo

    ; File Flags 
    ; -----------------------------
    ; 0x01  FTEXT      If set the uncompressed data needs to be treated as text instead of binary data.
    ;                  This flag hints end-of-line conversion for cross-platform text files but does not enforce it.
    ; 0x02  FHCRC      The file contains a header checksum (CRC-16)
    ; 0x04  FEXTRA     The file contains extra fields
    ; 0x08  FNAME      The file contains an original file name string
    ; 0x10  FCOMMENT   The file contains comment
    ; 0x20  Reserved
    ; 0x40  Reserved
    ; 0x80  Reserved

    ; Operating System flags
    ; -----------------------------
    ; 0    FAT filesystem (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT/Win32)
    ; 1    Amiga
    ; 2    VMS (or OpenVMS) 
    ; 4    VM/CMS
    ; 5    Atari TOS
    ; 6    HPFS filesystem (OS/2, NT)
    ; 7    Macintosh
    ; 8    Z-System
    ; 9    CP/M
    ; 10   TOPS-20
    ; 11   NTFS filesystem (NT)
    ; 12   QDOS
    ; 13   Acorn RISCOS
    ; 255  unknown

This is also a valuable concept to exclude the file related BDOS calls and work on a fixed memory image to tune the decompression algorithm, a cut-down version allows z88dk-ticks to work properly and compute the overall CPU usage.

zx70 commented 11 months ago

Here's the smallest application of deflate I could think at, I ripped off the CRC check at all because the data will be extracted on the fly and displayed on the screen.

The 8080 retrofit code is correct but not sufficient to allow a backport, I'm using this stuff to test the z88dk tools.

Running deflate on a self contained block including the data to be unzipped and disabling the output i could gather the following results from z88dk-ticks.

Old CRC32 algorithm: 43320067 ticks CRC32 table based: 27897531 ticks No CRC32 check at all: 22760196 ticks

So, you have all my admiration for making the CRC32 check almost CPU transparent !

For the record, the manual fixes to get a 8080 retrofit extended already the CPU time to 28331966 ticks (keeping CRC32 disabled).