agnoster / agnoster-zsh-theme

A ZSH theme designed to disclose information contextually, with a powerline aesthetic
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Problem with agnoster macOS Catalina 10.15.1 #123

Open morzen opened 4 years ago

morzen commented 4 years ago
Screenshot 2019-11-10 at 16 35 49

as a comparison value


as you can see some character don't appear when I do the echo "\ue0b0 \u00b1 \ue0a0 \u27a6 \u2718 \u26a1 \u2699" command the colours are off in short it a bit of a mess ^^' and I tried finding multiple solution I found this one which helped a lot because it made the arrow appear at the end of ~. But I am a bit out of option I spent days trying to understand how everything work with no luck and sadly not a lot of time cause well work. So help of any kind is very welcome and if you need more information cause I m not very sure of what to post just ask.

thank you very much in advance ps I am far from being a expert so please do explain in detail if possible thanks

mattcotton commented 4 years ago

@morzen, I think you need to install a Powerline patched font from here:, but then actual select it in your Terminal for use.

In iTerm2 it's under Preferences > Profiles > Text > Font

morzen commented 4 years ago

@mattcotton I installed it and it honestly a bit more the way I want to the only little problem I have is which font do I select cause I got multiple under the name of powerline I choose one and give me something like the this

Screenshot 2019-11-22 at 00 04 18 Screenshot 2019-11-22 at 00 07 41
barrywoolgar commented 4 years ago

@morzen Without installing any special fonts or patches, I was able to get iTerm2 + zsh + agnoster working on a fresh Mac running Catalina. Here's the setting mattcotten has already mentioned, do you have it ticked? Try setting the font to the default of Monaco just to rule out anything you might have already tried.

Screenshot 2019-11-22 at 11 52 11

Hope this helps

morzen commented 4 years ago

@barrywoolgar I have it ticked and well everything the same as you

Screenshot 2019-11-23 at 15 17 50

but sadly it doesn't change anything

barrywoolgar commented 4 years ago

This is what I thought would fix the icons not quite appearing. I don't see that failing in your screenshot, so not sure if we're talking about the same thing. What's the problem in your screenshot?

Also, did you open a new tab before testing? Not sure if that matters.

sneakyness commented 4 years ago

Mine looks like this on Catalina also, with any of the Powerline fonts in use in

Screen Shot 2020-01-22 at 10 15 34

I would rather not have to sit in the color picker and manually match these up "based on my vision" as I am color deficient.

zhengyuchuan commented 4 years ago

follow this. image

danielyaa5 commented 4 years ago

@morzen I fixed this by selected the solarized dark preset in iTerm.

Screen Shot 2020-04-10 at 8 12 48 PM Screen Shot 2020-04-10 at 8 12 02 PM
danielyaa5 commented 4 years ago

Tango dark has really nice contrast as well

leizard commented 2 years ago

@danielyaa5 you really save me! thank you

mikegshep commented 2 years ago

Came across this post after spending way too much getting the powerline fonts to work. Thanks community!!!