agnoster / agnoster-zsh-theme

A ZSH theme designed to disclose information contextually, with a powerline aesthetic
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Theme issue when using theme plugin #126

Closed vaskark closed 4 years ago

vaskark commented 4 years ago

When changing themes using the theme plugin I encounter this:


The git branch is doubling-up. This does not happen when I set agnoster as my default theme in .zshrc. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

apjanke commented 4 years ago

What exactly do you mean by "the theme plugin" here?

vaskark commented 4 years ago

Ouch. Sorry. I meant the oh-my-zsh theme plugin.

apjanke commented 4 years ago

Oh, OMZ's themes/agnoster.zsh-theme plugin forked off from this Agnoster repo long ago. You need to go ask this over there, I think. Sorry!

vaskark commented 4 years ago

Double ouch! Thanks for letting me know.

apjanke commented 4 years ago

No prob. Good luck!