agora-inc / platform

Full code for, the " for academic researchers". The streaming platform served several thousands of concurrent viewers. This has now been acquired and absorbed by Cassyni.
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Landing page designs #534

Closed RemyMess closed 2 years ago

RemyMess commented 2 years ago

A. Rework so that it fits new "speaker feature".


  1. Not clear for seminar organisers that they can find new speakers
  2. Not trivial for people how it works


  1. Get future speakers to register
  2. Get people to run their seminars on mora.


I. Strategy

II. In practice

MLP (main landing page)

III. Organiser landing page

B. Thoughts (Remy):

I. Value proposition for speaker:

  1. Present your work to audiences from all around the world => boost academic citations
  2. Meet new teammates for collaborations
  3. Augment size of your network

Value proposition for attendee:

  1. Easily keep track of what seminar are trending
  2. Save talks for later
  3. Consult past seminars from a large library
  4. Keep in touch with the people you met! (WE HAVENT GOT THAT ONE YET.)

Value proposition for seminar :

  1. Browse speakers from all around the world
  2. Organise online/hybrid seminars, advertise them, and contact your community seemlessly
  3. Mingle after the event in a online cafeteria
  4. Highly customisable homepage (with in-built speaker application form, past seminar, future seminars, etc..)


Speaker: central place to find opportunities Organiser: central place to find Attendee: central place where they see what is hot (FOMO)


Speaker: get invited (SECOND IMPORTANT SEGMENT) Organiser: find speakers and host your seminar series (MOST IMPORTANT SEGMENT) Attendee: attend (Third IMPORTANT SEGMENT; comes later)

IV. Journeys (i.e. "how would we convince a person in real life that they should use mora?")

o) General structure:

  1. Create the need (make them dream)
  2. Show the pains on the way
  3. Show why we're solving all of them

a) Speaker:

  1. Seminars are career boosters for researchers (network boosters + citation boosters)
  2. Finding speaking opportunities is hard

b) Organisers:

  1. Seminars are bonfire of academic communities: friendships, collaborations, and career catalyser
  2. Seminar organiser tech stack has been archaic for too long! (or organising seminars is so important that it should be easy!);
  3. we made everything easy, from finding a speaker to advertising it.

c) Attendee:

  1. Networking and knowing what the community is working on is really important; most of it happens at seminars
  2. Hard to know what the community is thinking about
  3. We list it and show what is trending.

C. Structure landing page:


Main page

  1. Quote from huge name that seminars are necessary to boost career OR "Advertised papers get more citations than good papers without." OR it is hard to find somewhere where to give talks.
  2. How does it work? (Speakers linked to communities)
  3. Proof how someone can become a "hero" (increase twitter follower base, increase citations, increase networks and meetups) -- testimonials from big names ("dumb to give talk just once when slides take 7 hours"
  4. Sign up to join a community of young ambitious research
  5. Save future events for later
  6. Dont take our word for it! "Testimonial from current users"
  7. What are you waiting for? Let your research be known! "ask them to sign up"
  8. Are you a seminar organiser? Invite the hottest speakers to your community