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疫情共知貼吧 C⓪V①D #2

Open theagora opened 3 years ago

theagora commented 3 years ago


COVID-19 Cofacts and Comments


demosisto commented 3 years ago

新加坡將接種科興疫苗者排除於已完成接種者總人數之外 | 8 Jul, 2021

theagora commented 3 years ago

Olympics Tokyo 2020 COVID-19 Positive Case List | 1 August 2021

From 1 July 2021 onwards

theagora commented 3 years ago

Singapore's Preparing for Transition Towards Covid Resilience | 6 August 2021

theagora commented 3 years ago

Covid: Taiwan rolls out homegrown vaccine amid criticism | 23 August 2021

Taiwan has begun administering its first domestically developed Covid-19 vaccine, amid criticism that its approval was rushed. President Tsai Ing-wen gave her stamp of approval to Taiwan's domestically produced vaccine by receiving the shot | Getty Images

demosisto commented 2 years ago

新冠肺炎:美國默克藥廠推口服藥 臨牀測試證能有效降低重症及死亡風險 | 2 Oct, 2021


theagora commented 2 years ago

What are the Covid variants and will vaccines still work? | 26 November 2021

A new heavily mutated version of coronavirus (B.1.1.529 / Omicron) is of "great concern"... It has a long list of genetic changes - 50 in all. Of these, 32 are in the spike protein of the virus - the target of vaccines... Current vaccines are not an ideal match so might not work quite as well... Updated versions of vaccines against Covid variants are already being designed and tested...

The new Covid-19 variant B.1.1.529 New names proposed for Covid variants

demosisto commented 2 years ago

西安封城:中國古都因疫情按下暫停鍵,有市民稱「不怕病毒」但擔心不便 | 23 Dec, 2021 據官方數據,西安在本輪疫情中已有227人感染。


demosisto commented 2 years ago

河南禹州:2022年中國第二個進入封城狀態的城市 | 5 Jan, 2022


新冠病毒:疫情再升溫 港澳局部封關 | 6 Jan, 2022


demosisto commented 2 years ago

天津疫情:中國首現奧密克戎本土傳播,感染者多為學生 | 9 Jan, 2022


中國首現Omicron本土傳播 天津全市展開核酸篩查 | 10 Jan, 2022

在過去的這個周末(1月8日),中國北方城市天津出現大陸首批奧密克戎(Omicron)本土病例,當地正在全市展開全員核酸篩查。截至1月9日晚24 時,當地已累計確診41例新冠陽性病例。

demosisto commented 2 years ago

香港疫情:確診數激增下 清零與封城的討論 | 17 Feb, 2022

demosisto commented 2 years ago

新冠疫情:中國放行快速自測,嚴格清零政策是否出現鬆動 | 12 Mar, 2022 抗原檢測


fernras-blog commented 2 years ago

香港疫情:確診數激增下 清零與封城的討論 | 17 Feb, 2022

  • 確診數仍快速增長
  • 習近平指示「壓倒一切」
  • 封城與清零討論


theagora commented 2 years ago

上海疫情下-齟齬區 agorahub/_meta#10