agorapulse / grails-facebook-sdk

Facebook SDK Grails Plugin
30 stars 13 forks source link

Unneeded fbootstrap dependency #1

Closed mathpere closed 12 years ago

mathpere commented 12 years ago

Why this plugin depends on fbootstrapp plugin? These plugins should be totally independant. Of course, we can exclude it but it's unjustifiable.

runtime ':facebook-sdk:0.1.2' { excludes "fbootstrapp" }

benorama commented 12 years ago

Hi Mathieu,

Indeed, this dependeny is not required in plugin mode.

You can clone the Github project, update the conf and run it : you'll see that it uses bootstrap CSS framework for the example app.

In a future release, I could remove the example app which is integrated to the project right now. Or, do you know a way to declare a dependency only when the plugin is run as an app?

FYI, we are going to start to seriously work on this plugin in march, since it will be the core of our next project.

Do you plan to use it? Any feedback is welcome.


Le 5 févr. 2012 à 17:25, Mathieu a écrit :

Why this plugin depends on fbootstrapp plugin? These plugins should be totally independant.

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mathpere commented 12 years ago

Hi Benoit,

Yes, that's what I saw when inspecting your sources. The example app should have its own project with this plugin as main dependency.

Yes, I'm currently using it, I'll keep you informed!


benorama commented 12 years ago

Hi Mathieu,

FYI, I've just release V0.2.0 of the plugin. The demo app is now in a separate project (, so there is no FBootstrapp dependency anymore.

It's a pretty big refactoring/bug fix release. Server side login/logout is now functional (if you don't want to use the FB JS SDK) with CSRF Token/state security (as in PHP SDK).

Any feedback is welcome.



benorama commented 11 years ago

Hi Mathieu,

FYI, I'm going to release pretty soon Facebook SDK V0.4. The main objective was to "clean" the SDK code which was pretty messy (since it was a port of PHP code...). The other objective was to be able to support multiple Facebook app within a single Grails app. It's pretty big refactoring of the code base.

Unfortunately, it won't be backward compatible with V0.3.* ... FacebookApp, FacebookSdkFilters and FacebookAppService have been deprecated and replaced by a single FacebookContext bean: a cleaner approach to access Facebook context info (current app, user, page...) So if you use any of them, you might have to do some refactoring on your app.

I'm looking for some feedback, if you have some time to play with it, it's on "develop" branch. You can download the updated docs here :

Thanks !
