agorapulse / grails-facebook-sdk

Facebook SDK Grails Plugin
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File Not Found Exception while posting image to facebook wall #12

Closed confile closed 11 years ago

confile commented 11 years ago

I tried to publish an image to a user's facebook wall using:

def publishPhotoResponse = facebookClient.publishFile("me/photos", [message: "Test cat"], urlToImg)

urlToImg is the url to the jpg image file (e.g., )

It always gives me a "File not found" error. What should I do?

benorama commented 11 years ago

The publishFile method you are calling is taking a local filePath:

def publish(String connection, Map parameters = [:], String filePath = '') {

If you want to publish a remote file, you can use another method signature which takes a fileInputStream:

def publish(String connection, Map parameters = [:], String fileName, FileInputStream fileInputStream) {
confile commented 11 years ago

This is what I did and it is not working. Do you have a working sample for me?

    def userAccessToken = facebookContext.user.token
    def facebookClient = new FacebookGraphClient(userAccessToken)
    def someUrl = "";
    def file = File.createTempFile("facebookUpload",".temp").withOutputStream { out ->
        out << new URL(someUrl).openStream()
    def publishPhotoResponse = facebookClient.publish("me/photos", [message: "Test cat"], file)