agorapulse / grails-facebook-sdk

Facebook SDK Grails Plugin
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Paste Links in Message when uploading images? #16

Closed confile closed 11 years ago

confile commented 11 years ago

I use

def publishPhotoResponse = facebookClient.publish("me/photos", [message: "Test Image"], "logo234.jpg", new URL(linkUrl).openStream())

to upload images to facebook. How can I submit links in messages like:

<a href="">Label of Link</a>

such that the link is represented as a true link on facebook, where only "Label of Link" is shown as a clickable link. How can I do that?

benorama commented 11 years ago

Unfortunately, I don't think that Facebook allows any HTML in message param... You can do line breaks with \n carriage returns, and any URLs will be automatically hyperlinked.