agorapulse / grails-facebook-sdk

Facebook SDK Grails Plugin
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Feature Suggest: Make plugin compatible with resources plugin #66

Closed PatrickHuetter closed 10 years ago

PatrickHuetter commented 10 years ago

It would be fine if the plugin would be compatible to the resources plugin. For example that the initJS Taglib would be resources aware and loaded in the configured disposition and after jQuery.

It also would be fine to configure the jQuery-Selector-Name. Many html templates don't use $ as jQuery selector. They use jQuery('#cssId').

Best regards Patrick

benorama commented 10 years ago

Hi Patrick,

Resources plugin is going to be deprecated and replaced by the Asset Pipeline Plugin (from Grails 2.4). The Asset Pipeline Plugin does not really handle deferred resources, that's why javascript are now declared inline and not through r:script. Have you tried the Asset Pipeline Plugin?

PatrickHuetter commented 10 years ago

I didn't know that the resources plugin is deprecated. So i have to migrate to asset pipeline plugin in the next time...i hope it won't be much work and i can use my existing resources configurations or similar.

Thank you!

benorama commented 10 years ago

I don't know if it's officially deprecated but the plugin is not maintained much and it won't be used by default anymore from Grails 2.4. Here is an article about the advantages of Asset Pipeline over Resources Plugin: