agorapulse / grails-facebook-sdk

Facebook SDK Grails Plugin
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Template not found for name [/tags/login-link] and path [/tags/_login-link.gsp] #75

Closed andersaa closed 8 years ago

andersaa commented 8 years ago

Hi I'm using Grails 3.0.4 and org.grails.plugins:facebook-sdk:3.0.1.

After following the installation instructions in the readme in the grails3 branch, I get the following error when I try to create a login link:

Template not found for name [/tags/login-link] and path [/tags/_login-link.gsp]

I copied the templates in /tags/ from the facebook-sdk jar into my /grails-app/views/ and that solved the problem. Is there a problem in the plugin packaging, or am I missing anything in my config?

Anyway, awesome plugin! :)

benorama commented 8 years ago

Indeed, it's linked to a Grails bug, since 3.0.2 (should be solved with 3.0.5). You might want to upgrade to the latest version I've released this week: 2.4.0 (which use latest RestFB lib and FB graph API v2.4 by default). Your bug should be solved with this 2.4.0 release.

andersaa commented 8 years ago

Awesome, it works!

I had specified facebook-sdk:3.0.1 in my build.gradle, was there ever a 3.0.1 release? Can't find it here now, maybe it was a typo:

Thanks for the quick response!

benorama commented 8 years ago

Cool! Yes, I've removed the 3.0.1 to keep a consistent versioning based on FB API version. 2.4.0 is now the official one for Grails3. Have fun!