agorapulse / micronaut-worker

Micronaut Worker
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Looking for some examples with Redis queue #21

Open roxrook opened 2 years ago

roxrook commented 2 years ago

Can you guys provide some examples on how to configure Redis queue with and without YAML? Thanks!

musketyr commented 2 years ago

Hi. Redis integration is pretty simple. you only need two things:

1) Redis dependency

implementation 'com.agorapulse:micronaut-worker-queues-redis:1.2.1-micronaut-3.0'

2) Redis URI which can be set with REDIS_URI environment property or redis.url in the configuration file

  uri: redis://...

Then you create a job with consumer and producer:

public class MyJob {

    public Publisher<String> producerMethod() {
        // produce messages into queue

    public void consumerMethod(String message) {
        // do something with message


I've used String in the example, but you can use any object which can be de/serialized to JSON.

see more

roxrook commented 2 years ago

Thanks. My Redis instances also requires username, password and ssl. Besides I want to configure the correct size for connection pool and share it with other business logic as a singleton so I'm wondering if there is a way to configure it in code?

musketyr commented 2 years ago

Please, check the Micronaut Redis configuration for further information. They are read from redis. configuration properties.