Another refactoring idea: "send payment to github user" contract and front-end, leaning on the NameHub api: what you do with your github login is to claim a payment. Or more generally: E(githubNames).update(username, E(namesByAddress).lookup(givenAddress)).
And until you register, the contract holds payments in escrow.
The same pattern should work to integrate other naming systems as on-chain namehubs: discord, keybase, email, fediverse, twitter, ...
not to mention spritely petnames, which is where my brain was when I came up with this.
Here's hoping for time to explore interop with OCapN and embedding Jessie in scheme.
cc @samsiegart @michaelfig @cwebber @kriskowal @kbennett2000 @iomekam
Another refactoring idea: "send payment to github user" contract and front-end, leaning on the NameHub api: what you do with your github login is to claim a payment. Or more generally:
E(githubNames).update(username, E(namesByAddress).lookup(givenAddress))
.And until you register, the contract holds payments in escrow.
The same pattern should work to integrate other naming systems as on-chain namehubs: discord, keybase, email, fediverse, twitter, ...
not to mention spritely petnames, which is where my brain was when I came up with this. Here's hoping for time to explore interop with OCapN and embedding Jessie in scheme.
cc @samsiegart @michaelfig @cwebber @kriskowal @kbennett2000 @iomekam