agpchil / mu4e-maildirs-extension

Show mu4e maildirs summary in mu4e-main-view
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[rfe] multicolumn layout? #24

Open gaydenko opened 8 years ago

gaydenko commented 8 years ago


I guess it would be handy to get an opportunity to layout maildirs column by column from left to right as far as for multiple accounts/contexts use case main mu4e screen suddenly becomes a very long narrow stripe :)

agpchil commented 8 years ago


Sorry for the late reply.

I think this feature is a bit tricky. Can you elaborate a bit more please?

First of all, I'm not sure if you meant:

a) to show one account per column

Simplified example:

> account1        > account2        > account3
  | Inbox           | Inbox           | Inbox
  + foo             | Sent            | Sent
    | bar           | Trash           | Trash
  | Sent                              | Draft
  | Trash

> account4

b) to split the account contents in multiple columns

Simplified example:

> account1
 | Inbox                  | Bar                | SubFoo
 + Mailing-lists          | Baz              | Draft
   | Foo                + Submodules

> account2
 | Inbox                  | Trash              | Draft
gaydenko commented 8 years ago

@agpchil , hi! You have described by intention is details exactly. It is my fault I didn't do it myself.

In fact, both variants would be great to my taste. Probably, the second is even a little more preferable.

agpchil commented 8 years ago

Before getting into more details, I just want to be sure you are aware of the existing features, that IMHO almost solve the 'too long list of maildirs' problem (excluding the aesthetics part), and confirm that they are not enough for you.

For case a) the most basic alternative could be to just use emacs split buffers and searches. This will give you a multicolumn-like layout. You could make this stuff automatically by writing a bit of elisp for your specific use case.

IIRC, you can also collapse/expand maildir nodes using SPC and C-u SPC (recursive). So you could collapse all accounts except the one you want to display (or some node with lots of children you don't want to see). ATM, there is only very basic customization for this with mu4e-maildirs-extension-default-collapse-level variable.

There is also mu4e-maildirs-extension-custom-list variable that allows you to customize which maildirs to show. Again, with a bit of elisp you could use this to cycle between accounts or toggle between some kind of 'full/compact' views.

gaydenko commented 8 years ago

Andreu writes:

Before getting into more details, I just want to be sure you are aware of the existing features, that IMHO almost solve the 'too long list of maildirs' problem (excluding the aesthetics part), and confirm that they are not enough for you.

For case a) the most basic alternative could be to just use emacs split buffers and searches. This will give you a multicolumn-like layout. You could make this stuff automatically by writing a bit of elisp for your specific use case.

IIRC, you can also collapse/expand maildir nodes using SPC and C-u SPC (recursive). So you could collapse all accounts except the one you want to display (or some node with lots of children you don't want to see). ATM, there is only very basic customization for this with mu4e-maildirs-extension-default-collapse-level variable.

There is also mu4e-maildirs-extension-custom-list variable that allows you to customize which maildirs to show. Again, with a bit of elisp you could use this to cycle between accounts or toggle between some kind of 'full/compact' views.

Yes, these steps help to navigate, still, I guess it would be more handy to get some kind of dashboard just on opening mu4e main view. I see, any laying out isn't a trivial task, so I'm ready to close the issue if the task is not lucky to excite your interest :)

Just on the way (a thing is too small for dedicated issue), what do you thing about replacing of "(0/0)" with, say, "-" (or with empty string) for empty folders?

Regards, Andrew

agpchil commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply :)

Honestly I never seen a mail client that displays the maildirs hierarchy like b) so I wanted to confirm you really wanted this :)

I guess it would be more handy to get some kind of dashboard just on opening mu4e main view

What kind of dashboard? the multi-column layout (like case B) or something different?

Unfortunately I couldn't give this project much love lately... But I think it's a valid feature request :)

what do you thing about replacing of "(0/0)" with, say, "-" (or with empty string) for empty folders?

IIRC I think at some point this was possible. But maybe it was not pushed or got changed for consistency (you can always write your own custom handler anyways). Maybe adding and option like mu4e-maildirs-extension-hide-empty-count-p could be useful?

gaydenko commented 8 years ago

What kind of dashboard? the multi-column layout (like case B) or something different?

I just mean we are talking about - this or that - any - way to use screen width to get overall single-screen-suited view at (possibly) all accounts.

IIRC I think at some point this was possible. But maybe it was not pushed or got changed for consistency (you can always write your own custom handler anyways). Maybe adding and option like mu4e-maildirs-extension-hide-empty-count-p could be useful?

Yes, of course, such predicate would be sufficient and great!

Regards, Andrew