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reroute test failure #130

Closed snoyberg closed 7 years ago

snoyberg commented 7 years ago
> /tmp/stackage-build14/reroute-$ dist/build/reroute-test/reroute-test

SafeRouting Spec
  should match known routes
  should capture variables in routes
  should handle multiple possible matches correctly FAILED [1]
  should have a catch all route
  should hand over remaining path pieces to subcomponents
  should handle wildcard routes


  1) SafeRouting Spec should handle multiple possible matches correctly
       expected: [IntVar 5,StrVar "5"]
        but got: [StrVar "5",IntVar 5]

Randomized with seed 78905204

Finished in 0.0004 seconds
6 examples, 1 failure