agrafix / Spock

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Order of route handlers returned by the routing function from Reroute.runRegistry #168

Closed moll closed 2 years ago

moll commented 3 years ago


Thanks for Spock and Reroute!

I'm using Reroute outside of Spock and I'm a little confused as to the order of the route handlers returned by the matching from Reroute.runRegistry (i.e the second element of the three-element tuple). Mind clarifying, what order are the handlers returned if there are multiple matches for a given route? That is, if one defines multiple handlers to the same path with Reroute.hookRoute. From the source code I believe the wildcard handlers are returned last, but if I'm not mistaken, multiple definitions to the same route are returned in reverse — the ones hooked later are first in the list.

Thanks in advance!

agrafix commented 3 years ago

Glad to hear they are useful for you!

I'll need to dig around in the code a bit, my recommendation would be to add a test here:

That way we can document the current behavior :)

agrafix commented 2 years ago

It looks like they are returned in order, see should handle multiple possible matches correctly tests.

moll commented 2 years ago

Hey! Thanks, though in what order? My quick skimming of should handle multiple possible matches correctly at tells me that the tested values are actually sorted before tested, making the test a little pointless. :)

    checkRoute' :: T.Text -> Bool -> [ReturnVar] -> Expectation
    checkRoute' r b x =
      let matches = handleFun b (pieces r)
       in sort (map runIdentity matches) `shouldBe` sort x

    checkRoute :: T.Text -> [ReturnVar] -> Expectation
    checkRoute = flip checkRoute' True
moll commented 2 years ago

Hey again! I think this issue should be re-opened based on what I spotted in ;)