agrafix / Spock

Another Haskell web framework for rapid development
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Testing with session #99

Closed zjhmale closed 7 years ago

zjhmale commented 7 years ago

Hi @agrafix, When I try to test an API actually needs the session, it will fail since the mock server can not reach the in-memory session. For instance, when testing with this test case, it will produce the error message:


Which is defined here, and it proves that the mock app can not reach out to the session when testing it, but it works fine when I start the server and test the API by hand.

Any ideas to fix this? Thanks in advance!

agrafix commented 7 years ago

I think the testing framework does not automatically manage cookies for you. So you'll need to read and then set the cookies by hand :-/

zjhmale commented 7 years ago

@agrafix, Thanks for the hint! But after I using setCookie in login action, I still can not read cookie in posts action.

Here is the code snippet.

post "login" $ do
      c <- cookie "todo"
      liftIO $ print c
      setCookie "todo" "HczlBC9LOI9jyi9lhZ4Yj8YZLG9WmW31nJ01DzPKw-h9SRVsx3JhLRT-Kaid9DLnh3EsxvH04RDDiKj3hP_Y7g" defaultCookieSettings { cs_EOL = CookieValidFor 3600 }
      username <- param' "username"
      password <- param' "password"
      _type <- param' "type"
      (j, sess) <- runQuery' $ loginSignupPost username password _type
      writeSession sess
      json j

post "posts" $ do
      c <- cookie "todo"
      liftIO $ print c
      requireAuth onfail $ \(uid, _) ->
        jsonBody' >>= runQuery' . newPost uid >>= json

If I start the server by hand, it will log out the cookie with a Just value, but in test cases, it will just get Nothing.

Is there any example projects that actually test Spock app with session and cookie? I can find one you wrote here, but seems you did not actually test the cookie/single and cookie/multiple API.

agrafix commented 7 years ago

Sorry, that's not what I meant. The testing framework runs each test in it's own session, so cookies will not be preserved between the tests. (See ). You'll either have to write your own wrapper around wai-test(-extra) and reuse the session, or extract and pass around cookies manually like in

zjhmale commented 7 years ago

Thanks! I'll follow the second solution first :)

zjhmale commented 7 years ago

Hi @agrafix, the second way works for me, Thanks! I'll try to figure out how to write my own hspec wrapper then.

agrafix commented 7 years ago

Btw: please do take a look at , I think it would be a great fit for your project :-)

zjhmale commented 7 years ago

@agrafix Great! I'll try to use this package tomorrow :)