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An web api system for geocoding addresses and performing spatial queries
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create onboarding email automation #322

Closed steveoh closed 1 month ago

steveoh commented 1 month ago

A 3 email series email introducing folks to the api, the resources for the api, and other ugrc services.


steveoh commented 1 month ago

The emails and list have been created. We need to hash out the final content but it's at a pretty good place now. Awaiting feedback.

nathankota commented 1 month ago

Email: Test - UGRC API Welcome Kit


It reads well and the content looks good to me other than the logo not appearing on the test email I received.


Email: Test - UGRC API Welcome Kit follow up


In our final email we will share other relevant UGRC services that can compliment your spatial data and GIS needs including locally sourced and custom designed base maps...

Email: Test - UGRC API Welcome Kit final email


Enjoy the locally-sourced authoritative data...

steveoh commented 1 month ago
  1. I deleted and created a new image as it was far too large. New emails should have the correct one.
  2. The sample code link will work once dev is merged to main.
  3. The OpenAPI link will work once the domain is migrated to the cloud service.
  4. added hyphens
  5. Fixed the spelling
  6. added a comma
  7. fixed the links

I'm happy to call this done unless anyone else who got the emails wants to suggest any changes. Feel free to reopen the issue.