Provide the most up-to-date, mapped inventory of the multi-use pathway and on-street bike facilities, and proximate amenities/destinations (i.e. rec centers, school, grocery stores etc) and other context (AADT traffic volume and approximate speed limit -- or Level of Traffic Stress LoTS)
Allow users to explore areas of interest to view bike-friendly transportation links, with full detail about the type of facility: class/subclass for on street bike facilities (e.g. buffered bike lane, sharrow route, etc), paved/non-paved for multi-use trails
Allow users to use the interactive map to contribute geographic-specific edit suggestions to the map -- specifically new, updated, or missing links
Acceptance Criteria
Boostrap new web app (*Hosted by WFRC)
Mobile first layout
Point and click to see attributes
Data access from app
Layer legend/filter (customized for easy filtering such as level of traffic stress, 9-line, etc.)
Zoom to and show current gps location on map
Sherlock/zoom to city, etc.
Report a problem button with form that sends feedback to WFRC (maybe link to google form?)
From WFRC:
...(UGRC provides) an earl(y) hand-over of a basic first build with all of the foundational components and my team does the polishing/tuning. Get the architecture right, including thinking through the best way to act on user edit suggestions in as timely as possible (in the webapp but perhaps also in SGID?), but also use our growing esri javascript sdk skillset (Bill Hereth and Josh Reynolds) and Sarah and my ability to configure the organization and display of layers and attributes.
Mitigate: Scope creep, by sticking to the original plan as much as possible
Accept: WFRC technical capacity to polish/tune, as expressed above in the Notes
Acceptance Criteria
From WFRC:
Architecture diagram
Mockups and notes on architecture diagram
Mitigate: Scope creep, by sticking to the original plan as much as possible Accept: WFRC technical capacity to polish/tune, as expressed above in the Notes
Issue Reference
refs #