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Add Society.Schools HigherEducation to SGID #61

Closed gregbunce closed 3 years ago

gregbunce commented 3 years ago


This dataset contains point locations of higher education institutions in Utah: colleges and universities. It's one of two new layers (the other being Society.Schools_PreKto12) that will replace Society.Schools.


We are introducing data

The data was or will be added TBD (week of 8/24 or 8/31) to the following areas

The data is high quality

The data should propagate automatically to

References to the data need to be manually added to

We have verified the data is live


agrc-conductor commented 3 years ago

conductor results for Society.Schools_HigherEd

check status
internal sgid :no_entry:
sgid10 :no_entry:
meta table
- item id :no_entry:
- item name :no_entry:
stewardship :no_entry: Did not find Society.Schools_HigherEd in the worksheet
steveoh commented 3 years ago

the dataset name is incorrect in conductor. The next run will have the accurate table name.

gregbunce commented 3 years ago

just an fyi: i'm working on the data page now. hope to do a pr today.

gregbunce commented 3 years ago

@ZachBeck I think my piece is done. @jacobdadams we may want to run auditor again (or just wait till the next run, either way) - as i slightly reordered zach's info to match our guidelines. nothing huge though, just added last update date, summary duplicated in the description, and added one tag.

steveoh commented 3 years ago

Yup, let's let auditor run and then conductor on monday and we'll see how things look to close it then. cc @brigsz as an FYI.

agrc-conductor commented 3 years ago

conductor results for Society.Schools_HigherEducation

check status
internal sgid :+1:
sgid10 :+1:
meta table
- item id :+1:
- item name :+1:
open sgid :+1:
open data :+1:
arcgis online :+1:
- Website URL :no_entry:
- Endpoint :no_entry:
- Description :+1:
- Data Source :+1:
- Data Type :+1:
steveoh commented 3 years ago

@ZachBeck it looks like there are two more items to add to the stewardship spreadsheet before we can close this. Feel free to close the issue after you add those.

ZachBeck commented 3 years ago
