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Agrisemantics website
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New page: Adopters #21

Closed catecara closed 4 years ago

catecara commented 4 years ago

In this new page, just the following table:

Organisation (project/initiative) Contact
LIRMM (Agroportal / D2KAB) Clément Jonquet
BC3, Basque Center for Climate Change (Aries) Ferdinando Villa
Entecra Giovanni L'Abate
FAO Statistics Division (Caliper proj) Caterina Caracciolo
GACS Brandon Whitehead
GO FAIR Food Systems IN Ben Schaap
GODAN Ben Schaap
Tor Vergata University (VocBench) Armando Stellato
Wageningen Data Competence Centre Willem Jan / Erik / Jacquelijn
brandonnodnarb commented 4 years ago

done with this commit

catecara commented 4 years ago

CC: TEXT COMPLETED FOR NOW. Move it to a new issue.

  1. The AgroPortal is the community repository for ontologies and thesauri for agriculture and nutrition. It is strongly involved in metadata standardisation and creation and management of alignments. AgroPortal is funded by the D2KAB project (2019-2023), which aims at developing the agricultural linked data cloud, and supported by LIRMM.

  2. Aries is a platform oriented to the integration of networked datasets for the purpose of modelling and assessing ecosystem services. Formal semantics and ontologies underpin the whole platform, which also enables domain experts to model new ontologies and so enlarge the domain coverage and the datasets accessed by the system. Aries is hosted by BC3, the Basque Centre for Climate Change (Aries).

  3. Caliper is a platform for sharing machine-friendly versions of ag-related statistical classifications. Caliper is currently in a testing phase, supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

  4. Crea (the Italian Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agraria) is interested in the use of appropriate metadata and RDF models for the indexing and retrieval of soil samples to produce soil maps.

  5. DTL (Dutch Techcentre for Life Science) is an early adopter of the FAIR principles and of the Agrisemantics recommendations, which promote them.

  6. GACS is an initiative aimed at finding a common set of "concepts" relevant to agriculture, based on three major thesauri in the area: Agrovoc from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, CABT from CABI International, and NALT from the US National Agricultural Library.

  7. GLTEN Metadata Portal (the Global Long-Term agricultural Experiments Network) is an international project which aims to improve access to and re-use of long-term experiment data. The metadata portal uses the DataCite schema and can provide persistent identifiers for experiments. The metadata is extended with additional semantic annotations to capture key experiment details including design, treatment factors and site characterisation (soil and climate). The Metadata portal provides a public RESTful query API ( The project is facilitated by Rothamsted Research.

  8. GO FAIR Food Systems Implementation Networks. GO FAIR is a bottom-up initiative that aims at implementing the FAIR principles. Within GO FAIR, specific consortia are created, the Implementation Networks, committed to creating specific materials to implement the FAIR principles. The Food System IN in GO FAIR is planning on adopting the Agrisemantics recommendations as a complement to the FAIR principles.

  9. GODAN is an international initiative aimed at promoting the production and sharing of open data in agriculture and nutrition. In its call for openess and reusability, GODAN supports all Agrisemantics remmendations contributing to those goals.

  10. INRA Scientific and Technical Department guides people who develop semantic resources like ontologies and thesauri at INRA. The goal is to make these semantic resources more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable, a key step in making data more FAIR.

  11. VocBench is an online collaborative tools for the creation and maintenance of OWL ontologies and RDF/SKOS vocabularies. VocBench is an open source initiative lead by Tor Vergata University (VocBench).

  12. Wageningen Data Competence Centre (WUR) is an early supporter of data sharing and interoperability in agriculture. It already implements the recommendations on tools interoperability in its projects on infrastructures for open science, and plans on extending this further.

saubin78 commented 4 years ago

Text for

saubin78 commented 4 years ago
saubin78 commented 4 years ago

INRA Scientific and Technical Department guides people who develop semantic resources like ontologies and thesauri at INRA. The goal is to make these semantic resources more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable, a key step in making data more FAIR.