agritheory / inventory_tools

A collection of features to streamline and enhance inventory management and manufacturing workflows in ERPNext.
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Version 15 release #78

Open agritheory opened 4 months ago

agritheory commented 4 months ago

Update release.yaml to be compatible with both 14 and 15 branches

Job Card submit in need some attention, Integrate Plant Floor feature

MyuddinKhatri commented 3 months ago

@agritheory for Integrate Plant Floor feature not sure about this, do we want to merge branch add_plant_floor into version-15?

agritheory commented 3 months ago

@MyuddinKhatri No, it's not ready yet

MyuddinKhatri commented 3 months ago

@agritheory As we already have #83 can we track Use test_utils dependency from this ticket in the mentioned ticket. And as you said Plant Floor feature is not ready yet, create a separate ticket to track this, so this PR - #97 becomes ready for review?

agritheory commented 3 months ago

@MyuddinKhatri No, I think the tests related to Job Cards are still failing in V15, this can't be closed until that's resolved.

HKuz commented 2 months ago

Hi all,

@agritheory asked me to share how to get the version-15 branch's semantic versioning numbering to work so it uses "v15.x.x" instead of "v14.x.x".

In general, once the release.yaml workflow has the version-15 branch in there, it will look through the git commit history for any tags attached to commits that match the "v{version}" pattern (note that the "v" is lowercase and the {version} part follows the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH numbering format). It will increment the latest number based on the last one found in the history. Since version-15 branched off version-14, it has all those tags in its history. In order to get it to start numbering off a "v15.0.0", we need to manually create a release/tag in GitHub targeting the version-15 branch. Since this doesn't exist yet, when the release workflow updated to include the version-15 branch, Python Semantic Release only found "v14.x.x" tags in its history, so it kept incrementing that.

How to Create a Tag/Release