agritheory / test_utils

Common Test Utilities and Fixtures for AgriTheory Projects
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feat: added to migrate customizations #28

Closed MyuddinKhatri closed 2 months ago

MyuddinKhatri commented 2 months ago

Added to migrate customizations. Issue -

MyuddinKhatri commented 2 months ago

This seems mostly right, a few questions. This doesn't seem like something we need write formal documentation for, but I think it could benefit from some inline comments.

Sure, will add some comments.

MyuddinKhatri commented 2 months ago

@agritheory I made some changes, this code computes hash by combining data from standard doctype json and custom doctype json and sets in customization_hash, and on next migrate it checks for both concatenated data hash and the existing hash if same then skip syncing customizations.

agritheory commented 2 months ago

@MyuddinKhatri Can you rebase this? I'd like to test it in context

MyuddinKhatri commented 2 months ago

@MyuddinKhatri Can you rebase this? I'd like to test it in context


agritheory commented 2 months ago

OK, I think we need to restructure the folders here to provide a better DX and reduce confusion. I'll open another PR with the structural changes and we can discuss there.

In [1]: import test_utils
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
File <ipython-input-1-6b06e7a867be>:1
----> 1 import test_utils

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'test_utils'

In [2]: import utils

In [3]: dir(utils)
agritheory commented 2 months ago

Included but moved in #30