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0ntologies diagnostics (January 2022) - Ontologies with DIFF ERROR #213

Closed syphax-bouazzouni closed 2 years ago

syphax-bouazzouni commented 2 years ago

From the Admin UI

Problem diagnostic

See Logs of the ncbo_ontology_process script

Using the script bin/ncbo_ontology_process -o AFEO -t diff (e.g with AFEO) we can see that diff process fails with no details

Performing diff failed.  Reason: null

Using the source code of bubastis

We can found the source code here :

And after enabling the exception printing, we can see :

Error type 1: Update owlapi

Error type 2: Missing imports

For the case of

Error type 3: Ziped files

Error type 4: Output folder not found

For those ressources

Error type 5: Can't parse the previous versions

jonquet commented 2 years ago
syphax-bouazzouni commented 2 years ago

The diff errors were resolved. It is still only AFEO, we continue its specific tracking their Same for the new feature request of